kstyle.diaryland.com Sunday, Jan. 25, 2004

5:49 p.m.

i made some rice very late last night, and i had to get up this morning at 8 and throw up...very unusual. then i went back to bed and slept till about 3...blah, a wasted day.

i'm re-re-re-re-reading sacred lips of the bronx by douglas sandowick...there's parts of that book i wish i could fall into and never return...*sigh*.

LOTS of new people signing up at AWC...they all seem to be about 19...it's exciting and depressing at the same time.

what DOES become of youthful exuberance and enthusiasm? does it just turn into repetition and boredom? am i boring...or just bored?

i finally saw the hours yesterday...it made me think of steve and jr and that whole...adventure...they saw it in l.a.

i've been reading up on whirling dervishes lately...they fascinate me...

"On the dervishes' heads are tall, conical felt hats signifying the tombstones of their egos. They wear long, white robes with full skirts which represent the shrouds of their egos. Over those are voluminous black cloaks representing their worldly tombs which they remove at the beginning of the ceremony to symbolize their deliverance from the cares and attachments of this world. The dervishes hold their right hands palm-up to receive the blessings of heaven. They hold their left hands palm-down to transfer the blessings to earth."

i need to do some serious spring cleaning in my head...too many cobwebs.

the planets are all lined up for tuesday...haha! like i give a shit about astrology! but yeah, it's sounding pretty much like a done deal...we'll see, kid!

(more about that if it comes to pass, ok? i'm not really superstitious, but...)

i'm gonna go cook dinner and watch the golden globes...

kiss kiss,

- m

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