kstyle.diaryland.com Sunday, Dec. 23, 2007

"let's have the best christmas ever!"
3:26 p.m.

went one more time to the vet's on friday...the bandage is off and yup, it looks funny! but the hair is growing in.

friday night the cat was sleepin' on me and it was like all of a sudden he really noticed his new tail for the first time...it was like he was mad at it, biting, growling, etc. i was afraid he was gonna make it bleed, but he's since calmed down about it...maybe it itched a little.

went down to the museum yesterday to get a look at the show. looks great! here's a little vid i made, i don't think they allow filming, but i was discreet.

dylan bought me a nice red sweater, but i don't think it's my xmas gift...he's not sure what he wants to do on tuesday, said he might want to stay home alone...or make some dim sum...i have a feeling we'll be hangin' out.

i got him a BIG gift card from the mega-grocery store...something practical. god knows he doesn't need any more clothes!

if i didn't catch you via email or myspace or cooper's, here's my xmas card :)

accident gallery is running free movie nights here...on their poster it said they were showing "ordinary people" and "schindler's list" on christmas day, hahah! there's a tiny "just kidding!" in the corner of the poster....love it!

ok, have a happy!



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