kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Feb. 19, 2004

thinking out loud
2:15 a.m.

took a loooong walk tonight, cleared my head a bit...

i really CAN'T drink coffee at work anymore, i get too twitchy, and it just turns into low-level anxiety.

staying up too late (as you can see)...

ok, thinking too much...about...things.

i think that maybe the meaning of life...no, the meaning of love...no, wait...the DEFINITION of love might just be...uh...finding someone who understands what the fuck you're talking about most of the time. i don't mean they have to love every book, movie, record and painting you do, but a common ground..oh, shit, that sounds too simplistic, but i know what i mean...and want.


did you mean obsession...or infatuation? and what IS the difference? i guess obsession sounds...creepier. infatuation sounds more like...puppy love.

i got an international calling plan set up, so, instead of $5.01 a minute, for $4.95 a month i can call china for 15 cents a minute...oh, why not, ya know? it's gonna be fun...wang seems like a cool kid...but hey, i'm not planning any vacations just yet.

a friend went to the ukraine to see a woman he met online...THAT ended in tears, let me tell ya.

here's me, an hour ago...

no more not shaving, i just get lazy.

speaking of which...it's been two weeks, and the boys are starting to itch...

ok, it's 2:45 now, this is ridiculous...

much love,

- m.

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