kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Mar. 19, 2004

electronic mail transmission
2:20 p.m.

hmm, i dont think i know who "bombshell" is about then, or i've forgotten...oh wait, was it "t"?

i dunno, the concert is just too expensive....you could go and then find some cutie and interview her....good way to meet people?

ethnic? hmm, EVERYTHING is ethnic, if you look at it a certain way. that wouldn't be ethnic IN ireland, i guess.

oh, ANY old farts my age, ha! i see them and just think..."old..." i'm not quite ready for a chartered bus to reno for a weekend with the senior citizens.

you said "But then, sometimes we can't get around people's perceptions no matter what we're really like. Age, weight, skin color, whatever, will hold us back in many peoples' eyes."

true. i guess it's down to having a sparkling personality and an open mind.

if i feel...accepted by...certain people....oh, like casey for instance...it's a boost. i can absorb something from them, and...oh...feel better about myself.....especially the young'uns.

and if i can SHARE something...a little wisdom (?) or just a good book or a song, then it's usually enough.

those boys don't WANT me, only the ones far, far away. that guy from argentina liked my smile, and we had a nice talk. i seem to attract the attention of bi-curious married men in their 30's...hmm. why doesn't that happen here????

and look what was posted in the local humboldtcirclejerks yahoo group..."that just sounds hot to me to get off with other str8 guys lemme know what you guys think."

i'm sooo confused.

i think i talk to ____ in my sleep sometimes...hmmm. philly rob always asks me if anything's "happened" yet, ohohoho!

new GQ has a frank black article...he's living in portland now! wonder if he knows larry? and there's a morrisey article, HE'S in l.a. he said something to the effect that bowie hasn't really been "bowie" for a long time, i have to agree.

damn, you've been off all week, right?

dvd this weekend? have you seen "dogma"?

i think the spam thing is more coincidence than anything else, but it does make ya think...maybe they DO scan our emails and diary entries for "keywords"....i always wonder how the spam people feel about...well, "spam" turning into such a negative term...i'm talking about the canned meat product here....

remember, there was that diet stuff called "aids" when i was a kid, THEY went out of business...

damn, this looks like an entry, hope that's ok....

- MK

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