kstyle.diaryland.com Sunday, Apr. 25, 2004

not a cloud in the sky,
not a care in the world

2:23 p.m.

wow, what a beautiful day we're having here! i've already done my 10 miles...here's some pictures i took
on my walk...

me on the harris street hill coming up from the highway...uh...do you HEAR something?
(umm, it's a one way street...UP the hill, haha!)

redwood trees in sequoia park...LITTLE ones!

the fountain at the north entrance to the park.


horsetail ferns. a bit blurry, so it's "art".

a lovely rhododendron bush. it's festival time again...

this is just what you HAVE to do if you have an older chimney in earthquake country.

ok...i've gotta run to the store and give yumon the last few day's newspapers, and get one of those back
plaster thingys...mine is hurtin' and steve said the one i sent him was wonderful...he was using one last night...

tonight...a few phone calls to people i need to catch up with before they get pissed off at me, and i might watch the vid of "the usual suspects" the boss lent me...

geez, yumon just left a phone mesaage, sorta sweetly reminding me about the papers...i'm "the man" apparently...god, rich people are cheap! hehe...

if you need me, i'll be on the couch...

love ya,

- m.

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