kstyle.diaryland.com Sunday, Apr. 25, 2004

12:52 a.m.


had some chats with my boys today...i was open about expressing my...feelings.

everything's cool.

i'm such an ass sometimes, i even amaze myself. sorry, guys...love ya both.

went to buy some donuts this morning for matt and yumon and i had to kind of run through the parade, it was down to the mall by then...funny.

today's pictures...

tombstone at the cemetary on myrtle avenue.

big-boobied chalk drawing.


mkaro1: i wish i could see whats gonna happen in ten years

mkaro1: with all of us

1: I wish I could see where I am going to be in ten years

mkaro1: thats the part that sucks about being so much older that you all

1: and hope for the love of God we haven't lost touch

mkaro1: no, i think you and 2 are gonna be in my life one way or another for a long time

1: sweet

1: don't worry about getting older, we will come over while you are having tea and strip for you

1: :-)

1: just promise you won't have a heart attack

1: :-)

mkaro1: i mean...if i was 2's age...he'd be in danger, haha, i think he knows that sometimes

mkaro1: haha

1: lol


mkaro1: one type of birth control sucked

2: what BC sucked?

mkaro1: oh, there's these things like suppositories you insert...they.. melt, haha...always burned my dick something awful

2: the foaming things?

2: that kill the little spermies

mkaro1: no, not really foamimg...like a bullet shaped thing

2: haha

mkaro1: i can still smell it

2: I know what those are



1: yeah it sounds like a good movie

1: three men at different stages of their lives

mkaro1: haha what?

1: the realities of life

mkaro1: oh, us you mean?

1: I mean all of us

1: it would be an interesting movie

mkaro1: haha i thought you were talking to 2, i was like...movie?

mkaro1: i can still see you on his laptop



2: So, did you have a crush on me?

2: lol

mkaro1: hmm

mkaro1: do i have to answer that right now?

2: yes

mkaro1: sure, a little, i can admit that


again...i love my friends...THAT's why i save chats...it's...personal history, see?

ok...that's enough for now...come back real soon, ya hear?

- m.

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