kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Jul. 02, 2004

1:33 a.m.

saw mr. skunk tonight, waddling across the street. the garage smelled like skunk the other night, but it was gone by morning...that happened twice.

j-rob's in california! yippy skippy! i'm gonna stay in sf an extra day, so we can hang on wednesday, as he's going to tahoe over the 4th weekend. fuck it, it's only money...

cafe claude is around the corner from the hotel, and the chinatown gate is right across the street!

got some pot today, haven't tried it yet...smells wonderful.

after a few weeks of "fuck off, i'm heading for my chair", the cat is curled up by me or ON me in the morning when
i wake up lately...the other moring there he was...i was shocked. he was sleeping so soundly i thought he was dead!

i should email casey, maybe i can hang with him in berkeley for a few hours...or at the hotel...have a smoke. hmmm...he DOES look a bit like those waifs i used to see on polk street years ago...RENT BOYS!

can you just walk in to a hotel with guests in tow? and ooh, i hate that whole thing with being shown the room and having to tip... it's so dumb.

goodness, some drama over in cam land...i got to talk it out with steve on the phone last night...

"anssi"... isn't that a beautiful name? it's finnish...

if i'm gonna have boy trouble, it needs to be closer to home.

boy trouble...god, that sounds odd.


ok, it's late, one more day of work, then the weekend, then i'm off for 9 days...be back from sf thursday night.

more text messages, pleeeeease? it's a hoot!

kiss me if you miss me...

- m.

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