kstyle.diaryland.com Saturday, Sept. 04, 2004

twists and turns
12:04 a.m.

well, thursday was a very interesting day...

talked to andrea at work, it was her next to last day, she's leaving, mostly due to cuntie mcbitchsnatch fucking with her schedule..i've known andrea for 20 years... i said "well, now, you KNOW i'm a big homo, right?"

she really didn't have a clue what i was talking about.


"err, yeah..."

i know she's been all distracted and stuff, but....oh god, it was totally weird. i finally said "um, i like BOYS!"

she said "well, it doesn't change the way i feel about you..."

very weird. oh well...


my friend lisa came in...she's kinda this rock and roll chick, about my age. actually i think she was kind of a groupie in her younger days, she's slept with more than a few people you might know, i think. she's going to see prince, and somewhere in our talk she told me she just got the new york dolls first album on vinyl...i told her they were playing in s.f, and she went wild! she called me from home about a half hour later, said she got tickets...i thought about it and suddenly i knew i should be going too...johnny's dead, jerry's dead, arthur just died after those reunion shows in the u.k....

i could write a whole big entry about how important the dolls were, how their few years together had such an influence, and someday i will...

long story short...went home for lunch, got tickets, got a room at the triton booked, came back to work and got a monday off! so...october will be my THIRD trip to s.f this year....why the fuck not?

i was 15 when that first album came out..i KNOW i was the first to get it around here, i had to order it from the record store, and my DAD had to pick it up for me, on his way home from the lumber mill...i can only wonder what he thought...

david johansen looks as good as he ever did, he was the only man in rock and roll besides lux interior of the cramps to wear women's pumps and still be totally butch....kids, it's hard to explain.

ok, so it's only 2 of the original dolls, but look, i've waited 30 yrs, so...i'll take what i can get.

so who knows, i might be hanging out with lisa, i bet she could get us backstage...stay tuned for that entry!

in the middle of all that, getting tickets online and such, i got a message from my new friend j. up in trinidad...he sure wants those curtains! we chatted for a while, there's a little flirting going on, it's fun. sooooo...i think i'm going up there next weekend, what have i got to lose? if i give him the creeps...oh well. but, he did say i was a "nice looking man"...and tall and skinny is just fine with me too.
i dunno, it'll be cool just to meet, it's so beautiful up there.

that big land mass is called, err...."trinidad head"...shaddup.

and you know me, 25 certainly isn't too young for me to relate to...i always say i'm stuck at around 26 in my mind anyway...but yeah, i think we have enough in common to start some kind of friendship...

so, to recap...

andrea didn't know what homo meant...


...a new friend.

and how was YOUR day?

love ya,

- MK

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