kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2004

good times
12:00 a.m.

had a wonderful evening with jason sunday night...dinner at seascape, i had rock cod with butter, garlic, onion, and mushrooms.

gave him a framed picture...this background...he stuck it on the wall right away! it looks damn good, i think, professional.

have gotten a lot of praise on photos lately, thanks.

also got j. a little neon clock he was lusting after.

it's not vintage, but it looks it. THAT'S on his kitchen wall.

he took a great self-portrait with my camera last night. he MIGHT let me post it, he's thinking about it, ha! he took some good ones of me too.

me and my masterpiece...

we sat around and talked and stuff...a great talk. watched to die for, one of my all-time faves.

i wore a nice white dress shirt and my tweed jacket that's been with me since the punk days...wow, i can button that up and it's ROOMY! amazing. but, i left the jacket there, i almost always leave SOMETHING behind, hmmm.

al least i finally figured out how to open his screen door, that has been a problem, how funny is that?

oh, and i gave him a book from my collection, but he's gonna open that later. the clock was a big surprise though, cuz...

j: i saw this clock i wanted last night
kstyle57: oh where?
j: at vintage home antiques I think it is called
kstyle57: oh ok yes
j: i saw it in the window ...it was a red clock with a round neon thing on it
j: for the kitchen
kstyle57: cool
kstyle57: how much?
j: but i don't think it worked that good
j: i couldn't see the price
kstyle57: you could fix it i bet
j: i was trying to search ebay but i can't find anything
j: i don't know anything about clocks
kstyle57: why do you think it didnt work?
j: the second hand stopped
j: while i was standing there
kstyle57: haha
j: but i liked the glow of it

well, i was running downtown anyway, cuz i was going to see if video experience had those joni vids, and it's right next door to the antique store...this was saturday evening...the clock just needed a new battery, the plug is for the neon. so, that worked out great. he was very surprised!

so , yeah, a very very nice evening. that boy...i've been smiling all day.

ok, sleep is calling me...sweet dreams, y'all.

love ya...

- M.

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