kstyle.diaryland.com Saturday, Jan. 28, 2006

random shit !!!
6:22 p.m.

i bought a gillette fusion razor the other day.

FIVE blades, talk about overkill! but it's a great shave.

been snooping around myspace some more...i dunno, maybe THAT'S the place to find...whatever i'm looking for.

found this over there...

cool, huh?

there's a page there called " horny humboldt myspace sex experiment...here's one gal's answer to a poll about losing one's virginty..."I was fifteen, he'd just turned eighteen. We'd been talking about it for a few months but had decided to wait, but we didn't. It wasn't very exciting, it didn't last very long, and he left his socks on...totally un-sexy. He's now my ex-husband."


and these are totally corny, but...whatever...

hmmmm, ok, i'll cop to SOME of that!

hi madonna...


STILL my all time favorite shirt...

hehehehe :)

oak world on harris st. has a sign in their window..."best prices in the world!" well, now...c'mon.

the most beautiful guy in ireland...

ummmhmm. wow he looks a lot like that jeff kid. who i have NOT contacted...i mean, i'm not gonna ask if he's looking for a daddy or anything, i'm just gonna say hi how are ya.

my little punk girlfriend lucy came by work the other day with her friend eric and introduced us to each other. nice guy. i was running to lunch. i was so tempted to ask her "hmm, is that for ME?" cute guy. LITTLE!

haven't heard much from tony...he's working 2 jobs AND going to school. i had to go to clintoris's myspace to find THAT out, but...whatever. punk. no, wait. it was lance's page. but i just love saying "clintoris".

talked to eric the other night, might go over there and explore his record collection sometime. we were talking about zappa, i just read that big biography. at times, he was a bigger asshole than lou reed!

27 days till the X show!

ok, i'm going out for the evening.

don't fly any kites tonight, ok?

kiss kiss,

- M

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