kstyle.diaryland.com Saturday, Feb. 11, 2006

saturday (blogs, boys, etc.)
11:46 a.m.

ok, let's see, let's see...

some fun over at cooper's blog ...he asked for poetry submissions. i posted "split the difference"...a lot of cool poems showed up. they were in a comments section, and last night, he was asking if anyone could copy the poems and post 'em on a page somewhere. so...it was late, i was bored, so i quickly whipped up another blogger page for him. mailed him the password so he can add to it. i don't know what time it is is paris compared to here, but he was adding some pics to his page. i got an email back in like half an hour:


You're a hero. Thank you. Yeah, if you want to send me that password c/o this address, I can try to update the page as needed. Thanks so much again. Take care.


then he put this up this morning:

Update: Thanks to our beloved, quick witted contributor michael_k, the abovementioned daydream is now a reality. See: working link to the page of poetry by (or chosen by) the blog people.

hehehe, this is fun...DC has a russian BF, they've had some visa problems, stuff that if they were a married hetero couple wouldn't be an issue, etc. they met ONLINE, can you imagine???

(that was sarcastic, darlings.)

there's a package waiting for me at the p.o., the cooper books i ordered. i re-read try this week...as you can tell, i'm in a cooper mood :) no, i'm not gonna go out and...chop up some boys or anything. but i know a few who need a good spanking.

the freaks and geeks marathon continues tonight at rob's. last week i helped him get google, he hasn't been able to access it for ages. i looked at the page it went to instead, looked it up on dogpile, and we found out it was actually a trojan virus thingy...there was a page with instructions how to get rid of it. that felt good i could figure it out. we all have our specialties when it comes to computers, i guess.

click HERE for the BEST blonde joke...ever!

i just saw something in a blog where this guy said he lives in central florida..."about 20 miles south of the mouse." hehe, i like that.

funny comment thread in my friend don's blog recently...

"Watch out for that Mkaro fella! he's all sweet and says what you want to hear. . .then he say's "so. . . . you have a cam?" trouble trouble trouble! LOL"

"oh hush! all the boys in the phillipines love me and you know it! there are posters of me in every internet cafe in manila! they call me "little hairy daddy green card man" ! jealous????"

"Boys, boys. Play nice. Or naughty ... whatever makes y'all happy. :-p "

hmmm. found a local guy on myspace. redhead/freckles/chubby/bear cub/short (5'4"!!!)/cute as a bug....OF COURSE HE'S TAKEN, why even ask?

i think he comes in the store, but i'm not sure it's him yet or not.

pete is 27 and didn't know the velvet underground. joe is 24 and didn't know X. angela is 31 and didn't know helen reddy! kids!

matty's working at our competitors during the week! sounds like it's going good.

hi macka, how are YOU? :)

did i mention i missed steve's birthday? he's 25, yow! i'm gettin' his ass out here this summer if i have to go to ohio and kidnap him! i need to send him the details i have with jake on the cover.

speaking of which... this was funny:

Brokeback Mountain Weekly Grocery Lists
for Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist, Summer 1963

* Beans
* Bacon
* Coffee
* Whiskey

* Beans
* Ham
* Coffee
* Whiskey

* Beans al fresca
* Thin-sliced bacon
* Hazelnut Coffee
* Sky vodka & Tanqueray gin
* K-Y gel

* Beans en salade
* Pancetta
* Coffee (espresso grind)
* 5-6 bottles best Chardonnay
* 2 tubes K-Y gel

* Fresh fava beans
* Jasmine rice
* Prosciutto, approx. 8 ounces, thinly sliced
* Medallions of veal
* Porcini mushrooms
* 1/2 pint of heavy whipping cream
* 1 Cub Scout uniform, size 42 long
* 5-6 bottles French Bordeaux (Estate Reserve)
* 1 extra large bottle Astro-glide

* Yukon Gold potatoes
* Heavy whipping cream
* Asparagus (very thin)
* Organic eggs
* Spanish lemons
* Gruyere cheese (well aged)
* Crushed walnuts
* Arugula
* Clarified butter
* Extra Virgin olive oil
* Pure Balsamic vinegar
* 6 yards white silk organdy
* 6 yards pale ivory taffeta
* 3 Cases of Dom Perignon Masters Reserve
* Large tin Crisco

good one.

i miss YOU.

and especially YOU.

but what can i DO?


back soon.


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