kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Feb. 20, 2006

12:11 a.m.

as you might have noticed, i've done a bit of redecorating here. this background is part of a series of pics i took friday up in trinidad.

more about that next time.

ok, now. if the following offends anyone, i'm sorry. it is what it is, i'm not making any judgement, nor do i find it sexually arousing.

(not safe for work.)
keep scrolling...
almost there...
ladies and germs, the yahoo cam of the week...

brrrrrr, that's all i can say.


kstyle57: yo
MACKA: heya
kstyle57: headin' to bed, but you need to take a look at the entry i just posted
MACKA: okies
MACKA: thats nasty......
kstyle57: hehe
MACKA: but like a train wreck
kstyle57: yup
kstyle57: what evah!
MACKA: if it passes the time......
kstyle57: until it melts
kstyle57: then watch out for splinters
MACKA: lmao

ok gotta go, back in a day or 2.

- M.

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