kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2006

a dream deferred, indeed!
8:32 p.m.

rob got home safe and sound last night.


i was gonna put these in the year end entry, but...whatever.

pics i mean. in a minute.

since i'm gonna be in SF friday night, i've been thinking a bit about the aborted trip in january. tony.

we've kinda...well, he's kinda vanished. no, wait. he's around. i see his postings on myspace that he does once in a while on his friend's pages. but i've only heard from him a few times since xmas. and you know, we were talking every night. it was a fantastic 6-7 months. but there's only so far you can take things online, and maybe he realized that sooner than i did. he's working a lot, school...he just got a new laptop, and i don't really know what his living situation is. he's in a big city now, he's got things he needs to explore. and none of his boys know he's gay, so that can be hard.

but i don't regret anything, it was all wonderful. it wasn't time wasted, quite the opposite, in fact.

and maybe meeting up would have been a bad idea, i just can't say. things got very intense at times...the GOOD kind.

i mean...god, i don't think i ever told you...he sent me the letter he earned last year in basketball. HIGH SCHOOL basketball! hehehe! ( i hear dan making chicken noises :) )

we'll see what happens, if he pops by online, great. i'm not mad or anything, what's the point?

but i wanted to show you a little project i worked on back in the fall, the boy got a big kick out of it...

take one pic of room 312 at the triton hotel...

one pic of tony on his bed...

a pic of me on MINE...

cut, paste, touchup, etc. etc...

if only everything was that easy.

with that in mind, i'm gonna post that langston hughes poem that thom shared last week...

A Dream Deferred

What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up
Like a raisin in the sun?

Or fester like a sore--
And then run?

Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?

Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.

Or does it explode?


love ya, you little shit! :)

wherever you are.


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