kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Mar. 30, 2006

RE-RUN #30
"secrets and temptations"

12:27 a.m.

original date: 11-18-04

when i went to rob's last week, i came out of the bathroom with a great line: "i just had to wash the day off my face."

that's the first line of the poem i'm working on. i think i'm gonna show it to kevin, he's arty. wow, we had a good chat last night...thanks, kid.

and i told rob about that incident (which hurt me so bad at the time, and that i laugh about now) last spring that really pushed me to get my ass in gear with walking, etc. AND about another incident, oh god that was a fun night...i can't really talk about either one...don't you hate when people do that???

and don't you hate that sometimes in email or chat you can't tell what people really mean? i pondered that for a while today...with matty or steve, i can HEAR the inflection in their voice, even in chat...

oh, daddy, relax!

wore my black hoodie tonight, it still has seagull poop on it from sf!

the best year ever continues...i made a bundle on my investments 3rd. quarter, i was shocked! and i got paid for 3 personal holidays, didn't know that was gonna happen.

the past couple of months have been so nice...thank you from the bottom of my heart. when nicholson said "you make me want to be a better man" last week, i had to smile.

it's so easy to be happy, really...all these people that seem so sad and miserable..yeah, i know, it's life...

i feel WORTH something right now, even though i'm a little confused...that's ok. that's life too.

sometimes i really wanna bite that apple, ya know? but i don't wanna leave the garden just yet.

time for bed.

- m.R

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