kstyle.diaryland.com Sunday, May. 14, 2006

lazy sunday
1:43 p.m.

i am NOT answering any questions pertaining to that last post! are your ears burning?

went to rob's graduation yesterday. thousands of people there. i took lots of crowd shots. many yum-yum's in attendence. cake after, and then i treated him to lunch at fiesta cafe.

we watched a few episodes of undeclared last night, great stuff. by the same guy who created freaks and geeks.

got my SNL oral history and cooper's dream police poetry book in the mail, good stuff.

still lots to talk about but i'll keep this short.

a boy in mexico is nuts about me. i'm keepin' it real tho, no worries. chatting helps him with his english, it's fun.

(este ma�ana �l descansar en su cocina piso y venir para m� yo hacer absolutamente uno ensuciar aqu� me!)

but why does this

seem to attract so much attention from 18, 19, 20 year olds online? when i feel invisible in the real world? oh shit, i could write a looooong entry about all that. sure, a chat room is...well...people looking for certain things.

i dunno, it's weird. more on that...sometime maybe.

happy mum's day to my mums!

hittin' the couch to read.

back before you know it...

- M.

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