kstyle.diaryland.com Sunday, Jun. 11, 2006

dubai, boys, etc, etc, etc...
1:01 a.m.


ok, a little more about my recent dubai obsession...

a year ago i used to see people in yahoo rooms saying they're from dubai. but not anymore. hmmmm.

this was in the vanity fair article: "seekers after sex on the internet will be greeted with this notice, in arabic and english:

we apologize the site you are attempting to visit has been blocked due to its content being inconsistent with the religious, cultural, political, and moral values of the united arab emerates."

very interesting, yes?

and this was weird too: "this is a hot place. temperatures rise to well over 110. forget about "dry desert heat", the humidity is extreme. i am told that regulations prohibit manual labor outdoors in heat exceeding 100 degrees. for this reason the weather, i am also told, is subject to censorship in dubai. no matter what thermometers indicate, the official temperature rarely exceeds 99 degrees."

damn! that's pretty wild! cuz see, they are building like crazy there, it's unbelievable. i saw pics of dozens of huge skyscrapers going up all at once. plus, they are building the burj dubai, which will be the tallest building in the world, at more than 2,300 feet.

there's these 3 palm tree shaped reefs there. each bigger than the previous one. here's a pic of the first, the palm jumeirah...

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seen from space, it looks a bit different...
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hello! i mean..it's a squirting cock, right??? i showed that to macka and he said "i hereby dub it "jizz island!"

then there is the amazing burj al-arab hotel...
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i saw a 15 minute film about it on youtube.

then finally we have the development called "the world"...
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rod stewart bought the "england" island for like 30 mil. well, he's surely rolling in dough what with all those shitty albums selling so well. barf.

so, anyhoo, that's my little dubai report.

i got another email from ryan, asking me to connect with him on yahoo. i wrote him this letter last night:

"hey ryan...

ahh i dunno, i just feel we might not have very much in common and that we're looking for different things.

dont get me wrong, you looked cute and all that.

i saw your other post on craiglist, the one in casual encounters...
im looking more for a relationship that grows into something.
you should post a pic on gay.com and get in the humboldt room, it gets quite crowded at times.

i dunno you might be a real cool guy.

the last guy i met like this, we had a lot of stuff in common, and it still didnt go too far. im not against sex, haha far from it. i just am not looking for something that starts with it. i never said i wasnt horny, haha!

dont take ANY of this personally, i dont know you, right?

i'm more of an art/books/music kinda guy....video games and sports...i cant relate. dont take that as an insult, man.

i know, maybe im not giving you a chance. i was kind of surprised to hear from you again tonight.

its so weird meeting people online. i havent had the best of luck. do you ever go to the mens dinner at the alibi on thursday night? ive been a few times with friends. its ok i guess, some nights its crowded.

anyhoo...i AM on yahoo chat. my name there is kstyle57, if you still wanna chat after this..cool. its a good way to get to know more about people for sure. if we'd actually have much to talk about, i cant tell.

again, nothing personal, ok?

take care,

right after that i got TWO responses..one just said "hi", and the other said "hi would like to meet you tonight." those are the exact same free icebreakers that he sent to my yahoo personal ad...weird, that's all i got back. it felt like an automated response or something. i dunno what's up there.

oh and the japanese guy never wrote back...i think i'm an inch too short ( in HEIGHT, people! haha!) and maybe a few years too old for him, according to his profile. too bad, what a babe. me love him long time.

helped rob take some stuff to the thrift shop after his garage sale today. he gave me a table, a blender, and a rocket ship! his mom is here. had dinner with them tonight, we watched "help", the beatles movie. i don't think i've seen that in 30 yrs, but it was so familiar. tomorrow we'll be packing stuff into the u-haul. they leave tuesday, heading to tucson first, as rob is moderating a home recording panel at the TAPE OP conference again, cool! then they make their way to DC. i'm gonna miss him bad.

got into a very melancholy mood about tony tonight, but WHY isn't really important.

tomorrow is the pride thing in arcata, but as you see i'll be busy. it's weird, i didn't hear about it till i read ricky's blog friday night. i mean, i KNEW it was coming up in june, but i didn't get the local newsletter thingy. oh well.

oh and the triad boys, a local 3 way relationship, were featured in an article in the advocate on polygamy...i was reading it thinking about them, turned the page and there they were! i only know todd, and not too well, but he seems sweet.

shit, ONE bf is all i want! ryan IS cute...whatev.

got a ton of mags to read, and the new augustin burroughs book, "magical thinking". the first story about being in a tang commercial when he was a kid was a riot!

oh, and got the congotronics #2 cd, some great raw music. konono no.1 is on there, i can't even describe them, it's outrageous african tribal homemade trance...there's a dvd too, i'll watch that in bed tonight.

did you see the pics of madonna crucified on the mirrored cross from her new show? it doesn't offend me, i just think it looks dorky.

no te divierties con papi?

- M.

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