kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Jul. 17, 2006

2:20 p.m.

wow, my car is parked at work on saturday and everyone notices...kevin, scott...EVERYBODY!

i gave scott a cookie when he stopped by the other day, haha!

i forgot to mention that when rob and i were having breakfast at the bashful bull i was looking at the paper, there was a review of a video art show downtown..so we checked that out after we left virgin. it was at 49 geary...and OMG, there's like a couple dozen gallerys there. we just went to the one, but i'm gonna have to spend a few hours there next trip.

and...the receipt from the albertson's we went to had the manager's name on it...well, they say "store director"..la dee dah...anyhoo, his name is geronimo sarafino, and if THAT isn't the name of the week...wow!

we had another self portrait day at cooper's the other day, it was pics of us at younger ages. here's what i sent:

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1. circa 1958. rub-a-dub-dub!

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2. circa 1964. i invented the peewee herman character, as you can see.

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3. 1975 or ' 76. full-on david cassidy hair!

hmm, i could get busy with that last one...how sick is that???

i made the best sandwiches yesterday...sauteed 2 of those big portabella mushroom caps with spices, sliced them...sourdough bread with pepper cheese and some good grainy mustard....deeelish!

i might be going out with the boys friday night, hmmm. daddy needs to get out and mingle...bad.

"party monster" is a fun movie. macauley and seth green make excellent fags. i LOVE seth green!

ok, gotta rustle up some lunch.

love ya's,


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