kstyle.diaryland.com Sunday, Sept. 24, 2006

a jam-packed sunday!
11:18 p.m.

wow, what an interesting day! a bit of everything as you'll find out...

first of all, poor mr. hobble died :)

i hadn't seen him since friday night, i guess. he's the little crippled cat that was around, the one who was hit by a car or something. he was all wobbly, and kinda looked flattened a bit. and he had really bad matted hair on one side, almost like dreadlocks. and his tail looked all...weird, like it was all dead.

anyway, this morning i was calling him. he had gotten pretty affectionate, waiting for me when i came home, rubbing up against me, etc. i've been feeding him since cathie moved to colorado. buddy would have NOTHING to do with him, i thought he would warm up to him eventually.

so, i was looking around, and saw him kinda hidden underneath the lavender in my flowerbed. i called to him...then i saw a few flies buzzing around. uh-oh. yup, he was gone. i don't think the skunks got him, there were no injuries, he was just...asleep.

so, i put him in the wheelbarrow, dug a hole in the backyard and laid him to rest. buddy was watching, and i showed him the body in the wheelbarrow. he went and sat by himself as i filled in the hole.

i've been worrying what i was gonna do this winter when it's raining bad...him in the house with buddy was not gonna work.

poor little booger....but i think i made his last few months pretty comfortable.

sleep peacefully little guy.
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so...after that i went down to the bay for the concert. i watched from up above the park by the carson mansion for a bit, then went down there. leon sounded damn good, he played some great old songs of his, a few dylan tunes, some old traditionals...i stayed about an hour. got a few vids of old white people trying to dance funky, that's always a treat!!!

here's a slideshow...still having trouble with some transitions with the vertical pics, but i think it sorts itself out after a bit.

THEN...downtown at 7pm for dinner. it was me, matty, bonnie, yuman and his wife jane...just as we sat down JP came in, with his mom visiting from idaho, his ex-bf and some other guy...JP is the boy who broke my heart almost 20 yrs ago, oh honey, that's quite a tale. someday, my babies, someday! we all chatted a few minutes...matt was looking at me like "ok, what's the story?" i just pointed at JP behind me and whispered "looong story!" i kiddingly asked matt to hold my hand...

omg, did we EAT! let's see...miso soup, fried rice, veggies, steak, lobster, scallops, salmon, shrimp, chicken...matt got b-day ice cream. he was the only one who caught the veggies in his mouth that the cook tossed. the cook put on quite a show! he made this little volcano out of onion slices, and used a little urinating doll to put out one of the fires!

and yup, here's another slideshow!
damn, i repeated a pic somehow, but it won't let me go edit right now, whatev. oooh, and i see JP in the background in one...god, that is so fucking WEIRD!

so, as i said, quite a day!

ok, back to work tomorrow, and tuesday i get off early to take my stuff to the museum, woohoo!

back soon,


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