kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Sept. 28, 2006

i'm in the show!
2:29 p.m.

ok, well.

just got back from the museum.

one out of three, not bad for my first time out, right?

it was the narrow one, it looks pretty much like this, though with a silver frame:

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i really thought the gutter pic would make it...

there were lots of great pics laid out in the reject room...and some stuff i thought was crap too! i saw my pic leaning against the wall in the gallery the show is gonna be in. damn, there's some good stuff in the show.

so, tomorrow night i'll go the the jury presentation, i'm not quite sure if she's gonna talk in detail about what she piceked or not, should be interesting...

funny thing is, tomorrow they're also accepting stuff for a "junk art" show, has to be made from recycled stuff, and i have a thing i made years ago that would fit right in to that, so i'm gonna go for it.

i'll explain that piece later.

ok, back to work!

p.s. this just in: late lunch with steve tomorrow in ferndale, yippee!


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