kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Sept. 29, 2006

a great day!
9:34 p.m.


my date was fun!

met steve in ferndale at 3pm. burgers and fries at the candy stick.

steve: ectomorph. great neck. nice voice. umm, cute little booty, ok? BLUE eyes.

we talked about all kinds of stuff. he's bright, charming, witty.


japanese simpsons t shirt, cute! his kids have gotten him into the carlos mencia show, excellent! and i told him about top chef, he was intrigued.

we see eye to eye on lots of things. even if he has to bend down a bit to do so!

you know when people touch your arm lightly when they're making a point? nice.

him and dan know each other slightly.

god, we covered a lot of stuff in a short period of time.

i'm still processing all the details, ya know?

we walked around ferndale, went into hobart's gallery, showed him rob's cd display. went into the blacksmith's shop, god, that place is FULL of eye candy!

walked, talked, etc etc etc. before i knew it, it was 5:30, i had to be at the museum by 6! i gave him the gutter picture :)

we'll just see where this goes.

driving home, i was relaxed. i was boppin' to some miles davis...kind of blue...good stuff.

it felt different from coming home from the first meeting with jason, though i can't quite articulate HOW.

anyhoo...got to the museum. the show is up! i dunno, my pic looks ok...i'm just sick of looking at it i guess. some nice stuff. some was so-so. saw david boston and his wife there, he has a cool pic in the show. i sat with them. about 20 people there. the judge, diana schoenfeld, talked about the pics, her selection process and hanging the show. one thing she said about mine was that it was unusual and she tried it in several places in the gallery....hmm, a plus, i guess. people had questions, commments, etc. it was interesting. there were over 230 pics submitted, and there's only 46 in the show, so i feel lucky i made the cut.

the winners will be announced next saturday during arts alive.

oh, i didn't put that other piece in the junk art show, the rules were a bit vague...but i'm gonna join the humboldt arts council and maybe submit it for the show in december!

pictures? of COURSE i have pictures, silly!

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so there you have it. my day. not bad, not bad at all!

back before you know it,


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