kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2006

life goes on and on and on and on...and on.
7:50 p.m.

i was sick yesterday. was puking before work. went in for a few hours, went home at noon. slept all afternoon. oh, but..i waited on jemima, the girl who is the head curator at the museum. i don't think i'd ever seen her in before, but, course, now i know who she is, so...maybe she HAS been in before. i can't help but think that it must mean SOMETHING in the great scheme of things...la, la, la...

jack next door is putting a new fence in between our yards. i'm paying for half. he said it's not gonna be much as he is hauling away all the branches the guys cut down. they have the new posts set in concrete, they'll be working on it tomorrow. the old fence has been in bad shape for a long, long time. last month they cut down the big tree that's right outside my window here, it was really out of hand. i have some before pics, when i get the afters taken i'll show ya.

and on the other side, i have new neighbors. cathie's house finally sold! there were tons of people over there last weekend, painting, etc. it's a couple with a young daughter, i did meet her, asked if they had a cat, i told here my little guy's lonely. nope, no cat. BUT...get this...they're gonna have a day care...the husband is working on the garage, he put a door in the side wall, i heard they're gonna have like a classromm in there and put a garage in the back. i haven't actually met them yet. i don't even know which one IS the hysband, actually, but there's been some hotties over there, for sure. hmm, day care...as long as the little fuckers are gone by the time i get home, fine! hahaha!

god, this sounds like a boring entry.

there was a cake for me and bill today at work...bill's the boss. cuz we've been there...um, a long time. how long? not gonna say :) it's really not important to me.

someone dug up mr. hobble's grave a little bit...racoons, skunks...??? i doubt buddy did that. i'm hoping the skunk family has moved on, as there's been no food outside for them since hobble died.

saw george today, he's a regular western union customer, i've known him for years. his son jorge died last week. some kind of accident on the highway. he had just started working at the casino up in trinidad 4 days before. early 20's. we had a good talk.

and that kid came in again sending money...now, really...i'm supposed to believe "matt tress" is a real name???

"sexy" in japanese is "sekushii"...it's one of those words that they've adapted from english...say it fast a few times :)

it sucks steve's so busy...3 kids, school, work...but maybe it's better...for me. we've been sending youtube finds back and forth.

it's just so rare to find someone...interesting, you know. hopefully he can see the same in me...

i have some self-inflicted apron strings i need to cut...the drawer where the rusty scissors are kept is dark and scary, but...a man's gotta do, etc etc etc...

is that metaphorically metaphorical enough?

works for me.

i was serious about the bus stop analogy the other day. this is your stop. another bus will be along real soon. take care.

oh, rob got his picture taken in a group shot with al franken! he's loving his job. a promotion is possibly in the works already.

john in hayward is so sweet. and a little sad. a nice combo, ya know? his musical tastes continue to amaze me.

i need to keep my brain and my cock set on "local" though...


blind item:
who's back was i tempted to go scrub in his shower sunday afternoon? i could have been there in 10 minutes...

anyhoo...yeah. ok.

over and out.


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