kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2007

mid-week report
8:03 p.m.

i'm submitting a picture to the march show at the museum. it's this one:

gabe got it done for me a few days early. i have to go down tuesday to drop it off.

actually it's just matted, not framed, that's what they want for this show. it's open to photographers from monterrey to alaska. i could submit up to 3 pics, but shit, it's 15 bucks apiece to enter, so i decided on this one.

i took it to work to show a few people, and bill pierson was in, he's a great photographer. he really seemed to like it.

there's 4 $250 best of show awards and a grand prize of $1000!

seeing a lot of sexy black men this week.

the thai boy was in the chatroom last night, and he was watchng my xtube vids and commenting in the room, that was funny! we had another nice chat.

steve was answering my email at 2:30 this morning. he said he's going crazy...still.

i'm in dire need of some canoodleing...SOON!

only walked 3 miles today, kinda tired.

top chef finishes tonight...hmm, i bet sw is watching it right now. he's on line, i should say hi. then top design starts right after that. looks fun.

ok...that's all i guess. catch ya next time :)


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