kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Dec. 10, 2007

ouch :(
10:33 a.m.

had a really great weekend...had some company come over, etc... but right now i'm headed for the vet...buddy got his tail caught in a door in the house last night. major drama. he bled just a little, but he's hurtin' for sure...

anyhoo, back with details soon.


ok, here's a video blog i just did...going to go get the cat at 2:30...

hmmm, a little while ago i just happened to, uh, need to go out to the car for a minute, just as my sexy garbage man was arriving....we talked for a minute, he remebered me from work, our little talk about chocolate. told him about the cat...damn he sexy! i found his myspace and i SUPPOSE he's straight, but...whatever. he needs to get gay real soon, believe me! he posted a shirtless pic which is....hot.

oh well.

ok, i'm sure the cat's gonna be mr. zonked when he gets home...catch y'all laterzzzz


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