kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Apr. 21, 2008

hello stranger
2:45 p.m.

ok, here;s the 411 about the new cat in the neighborhood:

one day on my lunch i let buddy out the kitchen window into the back yard. when i was ready to go, i looked out there and saw this big orange cat behind the burn barrel. BIG cat. i went out there, he seemed friendly...then buddy came out from under the hedge and walked SLOOOOWWWWLY past the cat, like "ok....not making eye contact." then the orange cat approached buddy. buddy took off at 100mph, headed under the house. orange cat followed. i heard some screamin' so i went into the garage and called to buddy to come in through the hole in the door. but no. they went back into the yard. i approached the orange cat, he had a collar with a tag on it. his name is JJ. there was a phone number but i couldn't read it. he wasn't afraid of me at all. buddy was under the hedge, i had to crawl under there and grab him. he was hissing, etc. took him into the house and closed all the doors. i was late for work!

i mean, my first thought was ok, this might be the cat the killed oliver. i dunno what his agenda is, right? he's way bigger than buddy.

and one night i went out front to get buddy. JJ was there, but as soon as i appeared, he went after buddy. buddy ran inside. JJ did too, he wanted some food! got the phone number written down, in case i want to call his peoples for a...background check. i got him outside, i don;t want him getting comfy in here.

the a few nights ago, same thing they were both outside, and as soon as i appear, he chased buddy again. they ran around the house to the back. i hear more fighting. they were all the way in the back. buddy was against the fence, as far as he can go...he never goes into the yard over the fence. he ran back to the garage and inside. JJ was in the garage but i gave him the boot. buddy came in here and curled up on the chair, i could see his pride was hurt.

so anyway, i guess cats don't kill each other often. i can't tell how much JJ is playing. thhings will probably mellow out when they know each other better, right? but damn, he's big, a totally different breed, huge, long tail.

hey, daddy's gotta worry, right?

here's a vid of my 2 boys one night :

dyl and i had a very minor tiff the other night...that's only twice in almost a year that he's gotten me sorta pissed off, that's not bad, right? again, like the first time, it was so petty and minor i ain't gonna tell you what it was about! but if i get my feelings hurt, i have to express it.

but he was over last night, and it was all cuddlesville. we are VERY different people, nuff said.

cleaned up a ton of bookmarks on here yeaterday, deleted hundreds, and organized them. i might wait till i get my 600 bucks from bush to get the imac. things are limping along here.


ok, i gots ta go eat!


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