kstyle.diaryland.com Sunday, Jul. 13, 2008

mr. reznor is a real nice person
2:02 a.m.

i went to the nine inch nails site the other night...trent has tons of songs that you can download, with access to all the individual tracks and i can remix em on garageband.

my first attempt is "only", off of with teeth. so....here's the original:

and here's what i came up with:

quite a difference yes? i didn't add anything, just took almost everything off except the piano and 2 synths. and then the fun starts! pitch change, chop things up, move 'em around...well, i was up till 3 or 4 in the morning on that one.

i've done a few more that i'll post sometime soon.

tom at work said "oh, what's that guy's name...trevor razor?"

made some dvd's today...i have 19 short films that i put all together on one disc. that's ALL stuff i've made on the imac in the last 4 weeks. 17 with music i've made during the same period.

i'm on fire here, creativity-wise. havin' a ball, but not getting much sleep!

dyl brought over some dim sum stuff that he brought back from L.A. good stuff.

had a bad dream about the cat this morning. a dog in the backyard bit off his leg, and i was trying to put it back on. but then it was right there, still attached...in a way. was nice to wake up from that and find him sleeping against me ;)

sleepy daddy go night night.



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