kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, Jun. 25, 2002

HE'S THE ONE THEY CALL DR.FEELGOOD(he's the one that make ya feel alright)
10:02 a.m.

just back from the doctor-my weight is down 4lbs. since last time, AND i don't have to have a colonoscopy (butt-cam) for another five years-YAY! all i got was the finger-sorry,too much information? left a little blood and pee,and i was on my way. got up too late to take the bus, had to drive the rustbucket-there's a belt loose, and the truck was squealing all the way,guess i'm used to it,but it's embarrasing when i turn a corner and people turn around to see what that horrible noise is-it gets really loud going around corners. my mechanic buddy bob is back from oregon or alaska or wherever- i really need to get that fixed-i don't want to drive anywhere..

gonna go burn some trash and get to work- i can pretty much go in whenever i want today,there will still be freight waiting for me-i should take a few minutes to go through some magazines(see yesterday's entry) and spread 'em around-certain people get certain mags and the breakroom always needs reading material.

did you ever hear dennis miller's line about how if you're over 35 and your job still entails the wearing of a nametag,you're a loser? that gets less funny every year...and if the district manager really wants us to wear those white "lab coats" (just a rumor) well,i'm gonna add a nice pocket protector and some duct tape on my glasses to complete the look!

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