kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Jul. 03, 2002

12:09 a.m.

damn, i just started a new entry,went to look at my survey page,came back,and lost my entry-guess i have to save it first. oh,well,too bad, so sad.

haven't posted in almost a week-here's a quick catch-up for ya..

1. i'm keeping the cat! my first cat, ever.his name is buddy,and he is a real sweetheart. i vowed not to become a hardcore cat person here,but if he does something really unbearably cute, you just might have to read about it..(i have seen cats WITH THEIR OWN WEBSITES! WILL NOT BE GOING THERE, I PROMISE YOU!)

2.bought a great 18-speed mountain bike from rob for 20 bucks! ah,the freedom! if i'm running late (playing with the cat,no doubt) i can get to work in about 6 minutes instead of a 15 minute walk...haven't had a bike in years. can't wait to really get out there and bust a move!

3. got hooked up to AIM and yahoo messenger,and they work. IM is kinda fun.i didn't know what the fuck that door sound was...on my friend lora's computer,when a buddy comes online,she hears that "adult voice" from the peanuts cartoons(WAH WAHHHWAAAH WAH WAH? WAAH WAHWAH WAHHH)

4. thanks to all the fine folks who have taken my survey! will have a new one up later this week, i hope. one note-in the last question i ask for a photo to be mailed to me to play with and put up in my gallery. here i've been online for 2 months and it didn't even occur to me to just say"email me a photo" old habits die hard i guess...

5. speaking of my gallery, i was able to figure out how to link a second page-this might not sound like much of an accomplishment to some of you old-timers, but it's a pretty big deal around chez michael..page two will feature "imaginary cd covers" i have plans for a third page, but it's gonna be so cool, i don't wanna talk about it until it's ready to go-let's just say it will feature text and images,and i will be more of a curator,not actually the "artist" (i love that quote from john waters, who, when asked if he considered himself an artist,said "well, i only use the word 'art' if i'm talking about mr. linkletter or mr. garfunkle." -now that's a quote!

what else...just saw jimmy buffet on leno-can't think of someone i'm less interested in,but i sort of have to admire the little niche he's carved out for himself...guess he tours every summer, and those parrot-heads are a pretty dedicated bunch. i can't even picture the cover of a buffet album from the last 15 years.

i'll bet playing a steel drum is a real blast...

took a nap tonight from about 7-9:30pm. was kind of fried from working early shifts this week, plus we had pizza and cake at work cuz rob is leaving in a few days, and i think all that sugar wore me out. rob only got one piece of pizza...that sux-wanna take him out for dinner or something before he heads for the city of roses- i have bad memories of portland cuz my car broke down on an overpass,AND i got lost way up in the hills- i could tell where my motel was way down there, but i had a hell of a time finding my way back-i actually prefer seattle,it always seems so clean... wonder if someday i can write an entry so long that the scroll bar almost disappears...gonna work on my favorite movie list, but i'm gonna make it a diary entry so i can really stretch out.


just a little more cat info: as i mentioned before, buddy was one of three cats some asshole dropped off in the neighborhood.he seemed to take a real liking to me, and obvious the feeling became mutual. he's all black,with a little piece of his right ear missing-just the tip. and he has one white whisker-a very distinctive little fella. he has no interest in catnip (guess he just said no), but if i'm eating something, he thinks he wants some...

god,every week about this time-1:20am,they run that annoying emergency broadcast system test over all the tv channels-an awful screeching alarm and the info scrolling across the screen-if you're taping a movie, forget it-you're fucked! um, what color alert are we on today,by the way? are they still doing that?i hope the bad guys don't blow anything up on the 4th.

when people say that sept.11"brought us closer together as a nation", i'm just not sure what that means...i think about that sikh man who was murdered in arizona soon after 9-11...the guy who did it had the idea he was being a good american. people,(not just americans) seem to have to be able to see the "enemy" as "different"-they dress strange, they talk weird, etc. that's why tim mcveigh was so hard to take-because here was a clean-cut, seemingly intellegent guy-he was one of us! if it had been some "camel-fucking towel-heads" responsible for oklahoma city(which is what they thought initially, i seem to remember a little racial profiling going on there),we probably would have gone to war then-it didn't bring us"closer together", it was embarassing because it was one of our own...which i'm sure our "enemies" had a field day with (whatever THAT means-there's a research project...) when that happens all over the world-look at northern ireland-i don't know that anyone could explain that situation to me -i mean, there MUST be athiests and agnostics in ireland-but i'm pretty sure it must be against the law in afghanistan.. so,sure, we have great freedom in this country, but i think america is kind of wonderful AND awful at the same time..i don't know why i'm going on about this- i'm probably the most apolitical person you could meet... time for a little break-let's see if i'm still in a ranting mood when i come back... WELL,THAT LITTLE RANT KIND OF WORE ME OUT... i don't really give a hoot if they take "under god" out of the pledge of allegiance and take "in god we trust" off of our money-the world will go on-- well, this entry sure turned out different-that's what i like about this thing-i never know where it's gonna go-let's get together again real soon,shall we?
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