kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Jul. 17, 2002

12:50 a.m.

i'm just finishing a 3-day weekend, and have spent most of it deep in html land, tweeking this thing...i am POOPED! it went very slowly, i'd be doing some stuff and suddenly be faced with a challenge i had no idea how to solve...when, all of a sudden, the big AH HAH! moment would arrive, and i would sprint over another hurdle.

it's one a.m.,and i don't feel much like writing,but i'm gonna for a little while...i owe it to...somebody..(me i guess).

all you long-time code writers would laugh if you could see some of my sloppy work...i was trying to move an image around last night and just could not get it to go where i wanted it..have been getting tips at some of the html tutorial sites at beautify, but i've only been looking for quick solutions, i'm not taking courses..(how very ME, mr. instant gratification)..so i came up with this method where i put a bunch of zeros in between two images, and made them white on a white background, rendering them invisible, and pushing (for example) the little pic of jerri blank right above her name in the ring bar. (getting pretty good at this nerd-speak,no?) now, i'm sure there's a "right" way to do this, but fuck it, i got the result i wanted!

i call this the "content-foward" version of crackpot sub-station (where that name comes from is a whole entry in itself-coming soon)... the diary is now packed with lots of extras. you'll find links to (dig the initials!) x, P.i.L., v.u., swc, srl, and lots more...if you find a big pile of elephant poop, you're on the road to excitement! i don't think i'll be looking for a new template very soon, i LIKE what i've done here, it took too long to do to let myself get bored with it quickly..and now that all that's out of the way, maybe i can get down to some serious writing...i feel like someone's gonna come along and say "hey, you can't have all that shit there, it's supposed to be a diary!"- just my fear of "authori-tie". lots of folks have links on their diaries...and now that i'm done, i realize how it looks like me-all my faves and obsessions right where i can get to 'em, while in the background is the simple white room i really wish i could have. this really struck home today, when i went back to take a look at the diary of sally-clair ,which is where i first saw this template. click on her name there and take a look-so clean and empty-i saw that and said "yep, that's for me!" mine looks cluttered in comparison, but i love the idea of sharing things that mean a lot to me...

look, i gotta go-i'm feeling kinda bad cuz i really hurt someone's feelings by being mr. remote/hermit guy lately, i'm hoping the situation is fixable-i've been in a mid-level anxiety mode all evening-THAT'S what the happy pills are for... i just need to give myself a little time to THINK, but i gotta get to work in 7 hours..BE at work in 7 hours, i should say. excuse any typos, i'm too pooped to punk (hi, newfie!) i agree with miss k - andrew, that flashing banner is making me feel all oogy..i'll say goodnight now and raise a glass of warm vinaigrette to a friend up north-a-ways..(sometimes life is nothing BUT in-jokes..sorry.) take care, all, see ya 2morrow.

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