kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Jul. 18, 2002

10:24 p.m.

thanks to calico7 for joining my jerri-blank diaryring!

now that i have nothing to do but write,it's a little daunting......


and now the news:

sharon osbourne's cancer has spread to her lymph nodes-not good...3 months of chemo, and it's gonna be part of the 2nd. season. well,why not? i wouldn't expect any thing less...i really LIKE sharon..say a prayer, or whatever works for you (i like to light a nice candle and think good thoughts)...

i don't really follow politics, but have you seen this jim traficant guy? he's on his way to becoming the first person to be kicked out of congress since the civil war. but here in post-culture america, all we care about is the hair...have you seen it??? take a look at this hair-don't:

hmmmm. no comment necessary.

ebay bought paypal, and bob pittman is out as head of aol. now, i don't follow big business either, but it's odd how all these monster companies really didn't exist not that long ago...pittman started mtv,i think, and when they do the tv movie, peter gallagher ("how does it feel to get fucked by the king?"-american beauty) is a shoe-in for the role. ..


i have never used a dikshunarry so much before in my life. i think i'm a pretty good speller, but sometimes a word like necessary just LOOKS wrong...what i've always wanted is one of those big-ass dictionaries on a nice wooden swiveling stand... i had my own american beauty moment yesterday-i was out back at work in the little area us smokers go, and i watched a plastic bag do a little dance for me-only a few minutes, but it was cool...

i miss rob... he called last night, and it sounds like it's really set in that he's moved to a new city...he's got a computer, scanner, printer, digital recording studio, and...exactly ONE electrical outlet in his room! his site's on my links page...he's rooming with a guy from a portland band called richmond fontaine. i haven't heard them yet, but their website looks cool, check it out...in fact, dave harding,bass player and rob's new housemate has a road diary there called "outta my head"...i know, i know, yet another diary, but this looks pretty entertaining.

one reason i'll miss rob is we won't get to play "20 questions-dead rock star version". it went like this: rob would say "well, there's been another rock star death. wanna play 20 questions?" and then i'd ask the following:

1. american or english?

2.east coast or west coast?

3. male or female?

4.lead singer?


6. popular or has-been?

7.drug overdose or natural causes?

...and so on...i got a few, i think rob got one (having a computer, he always had the news first)-wish i could remember-there was one that was really hard...

i still remember where i was when i heard kurt was dead...warhol,too(car radio, both).

i had a dream once that i heard on the radio that pete townsend had died, and real soon after that moon the loon was gone...layne staley..what an awful way to go..or to be found, i guess i mean-dead for 2 weeks-wasn't a big alice in chains fan, but the guy was a genius at harmonies-weird minor notes, so dark. that song fron singles (would?) was amazing-but i guess the guy had been dead for years, in a matter of speaking...

six feet under up for 23 emmies-yay!

i made some notes at work on a little piece of paper for the diary- i wrote "stickers" and have absolutely no recollection of what that means...

a co-worker showed me her tattoo on her lower back yesterday and all i could say was "oh" as cheerfully as i could-it was so UGLY...some kind of fire-breathing dragon, all in blue, and so BIG, i had to bite my tongue, cuz i almost asked her when she was gonna get it finished...(rob, 20 questions?) a few years ago i waited on this cool hipster guy from sacramento who had keith haring crawling babies tattoed on his wrist. i decided then and there if i ever got a tattoo, that's what i'd get-not on my wrist,though..are you familiar with haring? this might ring a bell...

well,i'd better go- oh, here's something to leave you with...i gave rob a great going-away present..i told him a dirty little work -related secret. it's a good thing he's moved out of the state, cuz otherwise i'd have to KILL him, and i ain't down with wackin' one o' my homies. peace out, boiiiii!

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