kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Jul. 26, 2002

1:31 a.m.

i'm staring at the screen and i have a bunch of little scribbled notes about all kinds of stuff, but i don't have the ummph to really write anything. when i get back into it it's gonna be one hell of a big entry, i can promise you that. i still haven't heard from my friend i inadvertantly pissed off...i left another email, but no answer. i'd rather be told off than not know what i did wrong, but i'm afraid to call cuz i might get hung up on, and THAT would really hurt...but i might have to , i dunno exactly what to do...whatever i did, i can't believe he would give up all we've gone through together just like that..maybe i'm a bad person and only think of myself more than i realize... if you ever want to email someone who doesn't want to talk to you, you can always leave your message in the subject field, they have to see THAT, even if they don't open your email, right? (not that it did any good)...guess i'm gonna have to make that call sometime, and SOON,...I'M BUMMED! it's late, gonna go cuddle up with my little boy and finish "me talk pretty one day"...speaking of the sedaris family, amy is gonna be a semi-regular on sex and the city...and she's SO good on letterman and conan, she's like what sandra bernhart was 10 years ago...well at least i wrote SOMETHING tonight, uh, this morning....whatev...

oh, everybody should go check out roadiepig's diary, such a great read...g'night.

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