kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2002

1:04 a.m.

wow, i got some nice feedback today on the new layout...thanks folks!

heard from someone else who's apparently been reading me for a while and never dropped a note before..that's TWO in one week!

spent some time going back and changing the color of some links in old entries so they show up better against this gray (grey?)... that pale buttery yellow looks great...actually read most of my older entries, they seem new in a different format...god, some of them seem so lame now...resisted the urge to edit myself, but i did correct a few spelling and punctuation boo-boos. i am exausted! moving everything into place was quite a chore, and i almost fucked things up this afternoon...yikes!

computer acting a little wiggy, my e-mail won't go out until i close it down (i get a non-responsive message!) and open it again - THEN the norton thing shows up...grrrrr! plus my printer AND scanner both probably need to be reinstalled...don't know WHAT'S goin' on...guess i'm gonna have to call tech support tomorrow for sure...was kinda hoping things would fix themselves. (yeah, right!) well,guess that's all for now..sleep tight.

oh, today is THREE months for me here, and 168 days without a drink (he says, as he sips his o'doul's - .05% alcohol by volume -if that's drinking, then i'm drinking...you'd need a couple gallons of this stuff to catch even a slight buzz!) so let's shoot off some fireworks again like we did last month! WHEEE!

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