kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2002

1:03 p.m.

blahhhh - i have a sore throat, gonna go back to bed...

yesterday was a record day for visitors...26! yippie! i'm so damn proud of that last entry...it just LOOKS so nice.

i've been having lots of little problems with the computer - keeps freezing up on me - had to shut it down several times...did a system restore several times, also...grrrrr! it's been ok since last night, but i HATE this feeling of waiting for it to fuck up again...and i have DIGITAL CABLE so this shit shouldn't be happening to me!

well, i've got lots of magazines just waiting for me, so i'll keep this brief...have to work tomorrow so i guess i should get plenty of rest...been reading some local diaries...interesting - lots of teen angst as usual, but one or two flickers of life (i'm the only one in town doing a current diary...there's a few others, but they've all been abandoned) scotia and hydesville...i mean, those are SMALL towns!

good luck at the doctor's andy...in my own way i'll be praying for ya...sorry if i annoyed you...

alllllrighty then, back to bed! later kids...

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