kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Sept. 23, 2002

12:29 p.m.

1. SITE UPDATE - ok, those of you who were familiar with my previous template know i love to tinker...i was always adding something or changing something or just generally playing around with stuff. it certainly got a liitle...busy. i'm gonna try not to do that here, i like it simple and clean. roadiepig DID say he missed the couch...(i kinda miss the kitty). that said, i have made a few little cosmetic changes...i've been fretting over the font ever since i started this template..i kept changing size, and experimented with several different fonts, and i still wasn't happy. but the other night, while i was working on my big mariah-bashing, i forgot to close a "bold" tag in my html after one of the links. i went and looked at the entry and discovered my mistake...the rest of the entry was bold...and i LIKED it! i thought that to keep this effect i might have to start each entry with a bold tag (hey, i don't have time for that...i'm a busy boy!) but i looked in my code, and all i had to do was change a "normal" to "bold"...DONE AND DUSTED! i thought the font was a liitle thin, and this is much more readable...dontcha think? i also changed those little bars at the top and bottom of the entry from light gray to teal, and i've put up a different version of the subway picture...i've got a bunch of those done, so look for that to change once in a while...and not to blow my own horn, (like the man said, "hey, if i could do that, i'd never leave the house!") but i'm really proud of what i came up with for my diaryrings page...if you haven't looked at it cuz you weren't expecting anything special...well, it is! it got purty pitures!

2. DREAMS - speaking of coding, i've had several html DREAMS! wish i could articulate this more gooder,(they're kind of hazy), but i dream of new kinds of code...i'm not sitting in front of the computer in these dreams, the dreams seem to consist of just the screen itself... but i'm not really seeing the code, i'm seeing what the end result is..some very pretty stuff. and i've had dreams where i end the dream by clicking "save". hmmm, who needs to get out more?

3. TELEVISION - i totally spaced last night and forgot the emmys were on! DAMN! i wanted to see how my boy alan ball and the fine folks at fisher & sons made out..oh,well. they never rerun those things, unlike mtv,who really run 'em into the ground...i missed most of the vma's the first time it was on, but i did manage to see part of eminem insulting moby, which was cut from all future airings...idiots...i wish someone could dig up some gay shit on marshall...just a little mutual rub-a-dub at a junior high sleep-over would be enough for me. i DO think think the gentleman doth protest a bit too loudly..(is that from shakespeare?) gotta go find the lyrics to that pet shop boys song about him...back soon. (back) oh my gosh, he must HATE this...

The night I fell in love

I was backstage

couldn't believe my luck was in

I saw him approach

wearing a most approachable grin

When he said hello

I was surprised he spoke so politely

I said I'd liked his show

Well he just smiled

I guess it happens nightly

and so

I fell in love

We went to his room

he had a video camera

I was so nervous

I had to try hard not to stammer

He said

'I'm glad you liked the show

that crowd was dope out there tonight,


You wanna see some more?

Well be my guest

You can have a private performance'

I'd fallen in love

I didn't ask why

though he seemed like such a regular guy

he said we could be

secret lovers

just him and me

Then he joked

'Hey, man!

Your name isn't Stan, is it?

We should be together!'

And he was passionate

I guess I would rate

him a nine out of ten

by then

I'd fallen in love

When I asked

why have I heard so much

about him being charged

with homophobia and stuff

he just shrugged

Next morning we woke

he couldn't have been a nicer bloke

Over breakfast made jokes

about Dre and his homies and folks

Neither of us asked if or when

we would see each other again

but I thought that was cool

'cause I was already late for school

by then

I'd fallen in love

oh, that's just fucking brilliant! "i was already late for school"...that puts a whole different spin on things, and they saved it for the end!

ok, where was i? the other television thing i wanted to say is that on saturday evening i was surfing around, waiting for big brother 3 to start. i went to this site where people who watch the live feed transcribe what's going on when the show isn't on, so you can get all kinds of details..i've only visited once before, but the previous show ended with a bit of a cliffhanger, and i wanted to see what happened.(the cliffhanger was the final three houseguests in the final head of household competition...they were each in a small raft in a pool and had to hold on to their key inserted into the, uh, thing in the middle of the pool. whoever held on longest would be the final HOH.) of course, CBS had to make it interesting, so they turned on the rain and wind machines. so i went to see who won. i found out, but i kept reading...BIG MISTAKE! right after that, it said "lisa evicts jason. jason leaves house." now, that was what i was gonna watch the show for, so i ruined the surprise for myself! (for those of you who don't give a shit, i'm sorry, this is almost over!) see, when they say the show is LIVE, they mean live for the east coast! that NEVER occured to me! and saturday WAS a live show...lesson learned. my prediction for the winner? looks like it's gonna be alanis, uh, ...i mean lisa. i couldn't even tell her apart from chiara until a few weeks ago, she really kinda flew under the radar for me. 'ol danielle thought SHE had it all wrapped up, (so did i) but she sure opened up her big mouth a lot in the d.r. i think she forgot all the evictees were gonna get to see all that trash talkin' she did...OOPS! i WANTED amy to win, just for the sheer irony of it all.

saw the new survivor premier, too many people to keep straight the first several weeks, plus, by now they've all seen the show before, and they all think they're so smart... i hate that bartender/skateboarder guy, he's really obnoxious...i can't stand it when guys call girls "dude"...ugh. gonna take a break...

listen, sorry to bore most of you with all that reality show shizit, but be grateful i'm not the type who could have been going on like that for the last 10 weeks...well, i wouldn't have any readers left anyway!


i think i'm gonna go downtown tomorrow and try to dig up some used PSB cd's...i only have "very", it's the orange one with little bumpy thingys on the cover...i forgot how good "dreaming of the queen" and "young offender" are...such lush, smooth chords, and when they turn all the dials and switches up to full speed, i guess you could even say they rock...astronautm put a bug in my ear that i would really like their new one, "release" (always great album titles from PSB)...course, a.m. also told me they should make a new "carry on" movie, and that i should STAR in it...to throw your own line back atcha, dear boy, "what ARE you on about?" i saw all those films on the telly when i was a lad (see how i pick up the lingo? i'm using my fake british accent, but of course you can't hear that...i sound just like madonna, or "madge" as we call her), but the only scene i recall is some tall, skinny, very nellie policeman getting on his little scooter (the kid's kind that you use your feet to propell forward),and shreiking "a crime? oh, goodie!"

i remember years ago someone told me that the PSB remix cd was better than the beatles....now, that's a silly comparison, but this person was right in the middle of his big sexual awakening, and i don't think he was getting much blood to his head...i'll protect his identity, but i will say that at the time he was a roommate of the nightclub-owning king of homosexuals here in our fair city. this was about the same time (legend has it) that someone came home unexpectedly and caught him using SOMEONE ELSE'S PENIS PUMP...so i think you can see how he might have been confused about a number of things..."young offender", indeed!

time to run, i think...i sure have been into writing lately...i think it's the new template, i don't have to fuss over all that other shit...ahh, the template... i see we've come full circle, haven't we? how nice...

next time: painful leg cramps, why i think larry king sucks, and why the cat HATES me (sometimes).



feel like writing a little more, waiting for rosie o'donnell on leno...wanna hear about how she's left her magazine...saw her on the news at a press conference, saying they had a big meeting IN HER PRIVATE OFFICE while she was on vacation in florida with the wife and kids. she was pretty indignant about that, i think THAT'S what broke the camel's back. oh, i know it's not earth-shattering, it's just kind of interesting...(back) oh, ok...ho-hum...they wanted to change the magazine....keep her name, but not her. she had an interesting boy george story...he agreed to let her produce his new musical in new york. when they met, he called her "too suburban", so she got her hair cut like helen terry had when she was singing back-up for culture club way back when...(short on one side, longer and flopping in the eyes on the other...i remember THAT haircut...i kinda HAD that haircut) when george saw her like that, he said ok. and the tabloids had some nonsense about her planning a sex change! george is in the musical, but someone else plays him...THAT must be weird.

PROOF THAT MY READERS ARE HIP: nobody noticed that i spelled mariah's last name wrong (with 2 r's) - a real fan would have noticed! i'm reminded of what jonathan ross said on the friar's roast of drew carey..."drew carey is to comedy...what mariah carey is to...comedy." yukyukyuk. AND, dig this...i went to the official mariah site and signed up to be on the "mariah carey online street team". (huh?) i have a feeling you have to be a member of her fan club or something, but they accepted all my info with no problem. i'm supposedly gonna get some free stuff, and i have a chance to have dinner with her in l.a. yeah, right, i'm still waiting for some kind of email confirmation. i'd at least like a t-shirt or something...wonder if i'm expected to go door-to-door with a boombox..."ma'am, on a scale of one to ten, how would you rate this new song?" i'll keep you posted...

ok, enough of this baloney...see ya soon.

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