kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Sept. 27, 2002

11:21 a.m.

sorry to scare all you youngsters out there, but THIS is the real face of rock and roll...DEAL WITH IT!

here's a fave of mine, from norman seeff's amazing book, hot shots...

...and here's two from 1972, probably the greatest rock 'n roll tour ever...

ah yes, that's a classic, to be sure...just to put things in prespective, look at this eary shot...

that's k.r. in the middle...hard to believe he was ever that young...

now, i'm not even that big of a stones fan, but i love the IDEA of the rolling stones. keith put himself through hell for much of his life, and somehow he managed to survive. on stage, he's STILL the coolest guy in the world, and his body language is a joy to watch. new songs? i don't really care. are they still relevant? hmmm, that's a hard one..i'd say they're still IMPORTANT, and i hope keith lives to be 100! for a cool interview in which keith tackles this whole "are we too old to still do this stuff?" issue, click Here...and at the bottom there's a link to more stuff that didn't make it in the original article...enjoy!

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