kstyle.diaryland.com Saturday, Sept. 28, 2002

6:38 p.m.


"BowieNet is very proud to announce a most fitting tribute to thirty glorious years of Ziggy Stardust in the shape of our very own Ziggy Stardust 30th Anniversary website. This new site is a quite wonderful place to explore, jam-packed with the sights and sounds of everything that was, and is, Ziggy Stardust.

Here you can listen to snippets of the songs that make up the 30-year-old masterpiece, whilst viewing images from the tours, looking at album cover outtakes, dressing Ziggy in any one of his magnificent costumes, reading reviews of the album, and much, much, more. You can even contribute your own thoughts on Ziggy and see them become twinkling stars for everyone else to share.

Here's just one of many of David's own thoughts on Ziggy, taken from the site:

"[Ziggy] ...was definitely a reaction to late '60s seriousness, and the real murky quality that rock was falling into. I think a bunch of us adopted the opposite stance. I remember at the time saying that rock must prostitute itself. And I'll stand by that. If you're going to work in a whorehouse, you'd better be the best whore in it." (1991)

This beautifully designed site really is a treasure trove, and without giving away all of the contents, (it really is fun to explore for yourself) I can tell you that there are also some great downloadable backgrounds, and three very entertaining screensavers that make leaving your mouse alone a pleasure of anticipation."


ok, gang, this is me again...well, it's certainly been rock 'n roll week aroung here, hasn't it?...mariah, keith, and now bowie...hmmm, now THERE'S a supergroup! as i said last week, seeing bowie was definitely a life-altering experience, one that's still resonating in my little brain...30 years...fuck! and bowie STILL looks pretty decent, don't ya think?

...speaking of getting older, that first pic of keith WAS a little scary, wasn't it? but i love it...gonna take a break...it took some doing to get the link to match bowie's suit, believe me...

11:25 p.m.

just got off the phone with my buddy keith in oregon..we talked about 2 hours...it's gettin' late, and i've gotta be at work at 6 a.m., so that's it for tonight. that ziggy site is fantastic..i sent a comment, hope it shows up...remember, bowie STILL owes me about 60 bucks, and i still haven't told you why! for that, and some other little tidbits,...well, you're just gonna have to come back! later, kids.

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