kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Oct. 07, 2002

1:55 p.m.

well, some mysteries solve themselves...the reason that my font wasn't in MS reference sans serif is that a while ago i somehow got an update in the font section of my picture it! 2002 program, where i do (did) all my artwork...now that i've reinstalled widows xp, that update is not there, so the font defaulted to...uh, the default. but i changed it to microsoft sans serif, which is almost the same...are you bored yet? made a few other little cosmetic changes...today i'm trying to organize my favorites in a more user-friendly manner than i had them before...but there's some places i'll probably never find again....sniff...

being gone for a week, you'd think i'd have lots to talk about...i made a few notes, so here's some random ramblings...

do you remember my list of funny names? i saw in the paper that GUY BRAVO got married...no, his wife's name is not funny, but his best man was someone named CLAUDE COLA! that sorta made my day...and i saw a great name at work recently...it was something like "littlecake"...not sure...

funny moment at work: i'm walking down the aisle...customer turns to me and says, "hey, just the man i'm looking for...do you carry K-Y?" (not on me, no.) this was someone i used to see naked at work a lot (you know what i mean...) wonder whatever happened to the girlfriend and their baby...he's a little guy who drives a BIG truck..., "son, i've seen it, and wherever you plan on sticking it, it should fit just fine." HAHA, at least i can THINK smart-ass answers like that...hey, i'm no dirk diggler either. (are you?) and everytime some kid asks me "hey, you ever see some wild pictures?", i always wanna say, "yeah, but your mom just picked 'em up!"

speaking of work, did anyone see "one hour photo" yet? i think i may have missed it...it's gonna be out on video/dvd in january, and that ain't that far away...somebody ( bo, actually) at work changed my nametag to read "cy" a few weeks ago, and i walked around all day not knowing it...i had like 45 minutes left and carole says, "what IS that on your nametag?" hahafunnyjoke.i considered dying my hair blond for halloween, i have wire glasses i never wear, and i already wear the costume 5 days a week...but no, think i'll let it pass. ok, back to rebuilding my little cyberworld...later, m.

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