kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002

12:43 a.m.

hey kiddo-

"I think they choose that way of life...it's not genetic."...hooboy...once someone makes THAT decision, um, that's a toughie. "you could change if you really wanted to!" ha! that's a good one, too...hope they never throw THAT one at ya...

and speaking of composing, i turned my keyboard on tonight and let the cat walk on it. i recorded it on the onboard recorder, and i've been playing around with different instrument voices, piano combined with electric piano and some synth or flute...it's kind of a discordant erik satie kind of piece, lots of silences, but it's still melodic, and really, not bad! hmm, might be a cool idea for a cd..."cat music"..."feline fugues"...if gorillas can paint...maybe THIS could be my "pet rock" idea that could make me some big money...nahhhh, but i've never seen it before...it's no more silly than barking dogs doing "jingle bells", is it?

i'm glad you're meeting some kindred spirits, that's important.

save me a copy of your cd when it's done, i'll send you mine...

take care of yourself, michael

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