kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Oct. 17, 2002

2:16 p.m.

(cue "song 2" by blur here)


well, daddy's done gone and bought hisself one 'o dem newfangled wireless mousey thingers! the set-up was a bitch (they don't explain that the receiver has to be turned around the other way from what makes sense; i.e., the printing on it will be upside down from the way they show it, and the wide end should be facing the mouse...but i got it figured out.) also got a new little mousepad dealie with a very sensual squishy gel pad wrist-rest...this thang is turning me ON! oh, this is so cool...i feel like george jetson or something! how dey do dat? (i don't wanna know, all this computer stuff is MAGIC!) i should be listening to some futurisic techno-house-speed garage-quickstep-jungle stuff, but instead i just spent an hour with the very wonderful mr. claude debussy... i know that's what they call classical music cuz there's no vocal! (marilyn monroe-"the seven year itch")

man, i feel good about my diary right now. i think i had some kind of breakthrough the last few weeks as far as entries go...and i like the way it looks, and all my recent additions...it's not too cluttered yet, is it?

don't have to work until 5p.m. tonight, so i might be adding a few more things here...but right now, my hot dog sammich is waiting!




ok, where was i....i know it sounds silly, but i'm kinda getting a kick out of watching that webcam from downtown...i think next time rob is down from portland i'd like to go down there with a big "hi" sign and get on camera..i could let you all know the time, and maybe someone could do a couple of screen captures for me...that would be a hoot...

been reading the ANX archives, what a treat! someone told me that if i checked him out, he'd be my new best friend...well, we do share a certain sensibility and an equally jaundiced view on what passes for popular culture these days...he's just lucky i don't live in chicago, cuz i would be constantly leaning on his doorbell asking if he could come out and play...g-fly, you da man!

hey, everybody check out the new vanity fair, it's their big annual music issue and there's a great article by lisa robinson about the n.y. dolls era...oh, lisa...you were the special correspondent to my heart back in the day! i wish she would do a book of all her old articles and interviews....mick jagger once wore her panties on stage! i would sure like to get hold of that story again...it's a riot!

ok, gotta go do the employment thing...by the way, if you come up to my counter at work while chatting on your cellphone, don't expect me to be any nicer to you than you're being to me...just a word of caution...i AM a proud member of the no cellphone diaryring, after all. STOP THE INSANITY!

speaking of diaryrings, i joined the warhol ring the other night (actually, i guess i'd already joined months ago, i just never got around to posting it on my page)...so i stuck it on my rings page, along with a great photo of andy in drag..if you've never seen THAT, it's worth a look. tata, my little lovelies, i'll talk to ya later...

oh wait, i just found THIS in the popbitch newsletter i just received..it's rawther funny...

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