kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2002

8:06 p.m.

we have a winner! more details soon!

i've narrowed it down to the 2 people on my buddies list that live in the eastern time zone. they've been notified, and as soon as we can confirm, i'll announce the winner! 1000 visits since august 15th, that's an average of 13 visits per day. you like me, you really like me! ok, gotta go check my mail...back later.

ok, it's 11pm. i'm 99% sure our big winner is HANK, who hails from the lovely city of toledo. here's what the lucky s.o.b. wins...

i haven't been able to verify with him yet, but i did a little tracking with my sitemeter, and in looking up the domain i found references to michigan and akron. (even though the address for the domain was in texas!) sorry clare, you were in the right part of the country...i guess you're finishing up your halloween costume!


speaking of halloween, i found something really eerie. it's a picture of a normal-looking kitchen, but if you look close enough, you can see a ghost! you really have to concentrate, and turn the speakers up a bit, that'll give you a clue. get up close and just let your eyes relax....i'm not kidding, you'll see it! click HERE and be prepared to be amazed!


6am thursday...well, sad to say it wasn't hank after all...i'm still waiting to hear from clare...or anyone else who can prove it was them...off to work...later.

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