kstyle.diaryland.com Saturday, Nov. 02, 2002

new banners
early evening

the above image has nothing to do with anything...i just thought it was interesting. i found it the other night looking for free animated gifs. i might be back later, but i have to get up at 5 a.m., so it might be a short evening here...


10:50 p.m.

i just uploaded three new banners... 1000 views each.let's see if anybody's out there...

the first is a take-off on rene magritte's surrealist classic "this in not a pipe"...

sorry if your name isn't on the middle one...but i think it's a good mix of old and new friends.

and the bottom one? well, i couldn't resist. who knows, maybe i'll get some hate mail after they read my mariah-reaming...that might be fun! whoops, i accidentally put the wrong date on the mariah banner, i said sept. 10th, not the 20th. as you can see, i fixed it, but i had already submitted the first one. so there will be 1000 wrong ones and 1000 correct ones out there. (4000 total.) oh, well.

now, let's watch those numbers shoot through the roof!

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