kstyle.diaryland.com Sunday, Nov. 03, 2002

hello stranger !
8:50 p.m.

i'm having quite an evening...the visits have been amazing. last time i looked it was 81 for today! i'll never see numbers like that again, that's for sure. four banners running all at once creates a hell of a lot of traffic! if you're just stopping by, howdy! take a look around, we have a lot of fun here, looking at this crazy world we live in.

may i suggest you click on "older entries" and see if anything catches your eye? i can be quite the entertaining smartass when i'm in the mood. i'm qiute proud of this entry about MADONNA.

but if you've come here cuz you love mariah, don't click HERE. seriously, don't.

not to make you think that wacky divas are the main topic here, far from it. that said, for rock 'n roll panties, click HERE.

for a heartfelt tribute to two lovely ladies who just recently left us, check THIS one out...it's probably my personal favorite. (god, that link color is butt-ugly.)

and if you haven't yet seen that animated clip that shows the white stripes as a couple of cute fluffy kitties, get you ass HERE pronto!

i'm pretty big on cool, crazy links that i want to share with everyone...

ok, just one more recommendation and i'll get out of your hair...this one HERE is all over the place, starting with the connection between eminem and the pet shop boys and ending with something very embarassing that happened to a friend of mine. intrigued? that's the idea...

thanks to all the new folks who have signed the guestbook...why not put a dot on the guestmap, too? i'd love to see where you're from. - michael

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