kstyle.diaryland.com Sunday, Nov. 24, 2002

don't let your son go down on me
4:31 p.m.

erm...bullocks! bloody hell! can you tell i've been reading some british diaries recently? yes, it's true...IAN and IAN have been keeping me entertained lately...and a couple of right twats they are, too! just kidding, lads. (see what i mean? i've got that madonna disaese!)

today one ian sent me a nice email, and then the other ian IM'ed me just as i popped out of the loo and was getting ready to head back to the shop, having just finished a nice sausage and chippies for tea.

as jack benny would say, "NOW CUT THAT OUT!"


dude, i don't want to lose sight of my california heritage, but it's like totally rad that those gnarly boiz would gimme the 411 on what's the haps in their hoods...big ups to sheffield and ipswitch, word!

NOW i just sound like a hip-hop valley girl. ( rob always says the best example of a cali accent was jerry garcia, while i still refuse to admit such a thing even exists.)

ah, sheffield...home of the human league, judas priest, cabaret voltaire, the lazy dollies and...um...oh, yeah, the full monty! (from rob:"As far as Sheffield goes, don't forget Joe Cocker, Pulp, Def Leppard, and Prince Naseem Hamed. I gotta stick up for my hometown. Hey, if I've spent more than two weeks anywhere, I consider it a hometown. Portland, St. Louis, Chicago, Norfolk, Sheffield, Eureka, Ferndale, Bridgewater/Harrisonburg. Guess that covers it."

ipswitch i know little about beyond the bookshop and the fat cat. ( From the Odeon, take St. Helen's Street heading out of town towards Woodbridge. Soon you will come into Spring Road, where there are a number of interesting Victorian properties lining each side of the road. Pass under the impressive railway viaduct and continue up the incline until, on the right-hand side, you find this modest Public House.)

i hope to chat with ian in the next couple of days. who knows, i may even chat with ian sometime. (and happy bithday to drew!)

ok, time for ICE CREAM! back later...


monday, 12:07 a.m.

had a four hour nap on the couch. ice cream knocked me out! i DO love me some chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. wide awake and very lucid.

email just in from rob in portland. he saw X tonight..."Well, I'm sold. X were great! I gotta get the rest of those albums. Billy looked like a cool older guy in leather jacket, blue 501s, & black t-shirt, smiling to the crowd and not breaking a sweat while ripping off cool licks on his silver-sparkeled Gretsch. John, on the other hand, had a Fender P-bass that was beat all to hell. He was bouncing all over the place having fun. He certainly broke a sweat. Exene was dressed in a green and white checkered waitress' dress and a red apron. Very cool. Those X harmonies were intact. Couldn't see DJ from my angle. He did break a drum at one point. Great show! Richmond Fontaine was good, too. First time I'd seen them at a real show. Wished I coulda been up there on stage. Wish you coulda been here. Hung with Larry, chatted with JD about that Silos album recorded in the theater in Gainesville (he played bass on it), and Jane and Beth (who I saw Ziggy with) were there."

speaking of which, here's a pic i took of exene about 100 years ago.

i call it "exene's exploding head"...sheila and i interviewed her and john when we had our punk zine "modern world" back in the day...


2:00 a.m.

listening to my cd on the computer for the first time, sounds pretty good! just wrote some notes about it to jr, hopefully his package will arrive tomorrow...haven't listened to my own music for a while. gotta commit to start recording again in january, i mean, i got this 8-track cassette studio last year on ebay and haven't used it yet! the computer sort of took over all my free time.

good grief, it's 2:45 now! just had a chat with jr, i sent him eno's quote "repetition is change", cuz he's kinda stuck on the paper he's writing on music structure and i thought that might inspire him. i've gotta go to sears in the morning, my brakes are grinding something awful! gonna post tomorrow, and then take a break from d-land till the weekend. like miss jabot says, "I GOT SHIT TO DO!" i have three days off and i really need to get a lot of neglected little chores done. but i am gonna leave up a page full of links to check out. ok, later folks.

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