kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Nov. 25, 2002

all evening, on and off...

new feature alert: well, since all the local webcams are down i added something very cool to replace them...click over there on "earthquakes"... the map is updated every hour (or five minutes after a quake). and you can click on the quake location and zoom in to get more info...

some little tech details:

if you click on my links page and try to go to gallery k (which features some of my artwork), you get this thing that says "this image is being leeched from artconspiracy.com. and is therefore blocked." LEECHED? haha, funny! that site was down for several weeks, doing some kind of an upgrade, and now i can't link it. i'm gonna have to go see if i can fix it, but i think it's hopeless. if anyone wants directions, email me and i'll shoot ya back a copy of one of the little business cards i made up...the way there is unbelievably complicated.

i'm sure glad i had that site and black pineapple up and running when my computer crashed, cuz, as i've said before, i lost a shitload of artwork.

oh, and i've been building my amazon.com wishlist over the past several weeks...it's been a blast. kind of like writing your autobiography. lots of the items, like cd's, are things i had on vinyl years ago, or else things i just never got around to buying, or re-issues with bonus tracks, etc. (finally, "carbona not glue" by the ramones is available again!) lots of books, too. take a look if you get a chance...i am my wishlist, and my wishlist is me! the link is that little wishbone up there.

now, i don't expect any gifts from anyone, it's more for me...it's nice to have all that stuff in one place. i'm thinking maybe every payday i'll treat myself to something fun. ( that said, my birthday is april 11th, and i DON'T mind used items one bit!)

shameless, shameless WHORE!


good golly, i just had ten hits in the last five minutes. i wish everyone was like jr... oh, do you wanna know why? sounds very intriguing, yes? it's because when he shows up on my sitemeter, his d-land handle shows up as his domain name, so i know for certain when he drops by...me, i'm cocks, uh, cox.net. i know a lot of folks by their domains, but it would be so cool if everybody's name popped up...


got my truck worked on today...all i'm gonna say is it cost several hundred dollars...the brakes were a real mess, so that's fixed. i got new wiper blades, an oil change, tires rotated...but for some reason they couldn't fix my tail light and turn signal ( i thought it was just a fuse), so now i have to go somewhere else cuz i could get a fix-it ticket.

plus, they said the air filter was very dirty, but they couldn't get the wingnut loose to take the cover off! so how do they know the filter is dirty? don't ask me! i know so little about cars. i embarrassed myself cuz i wasn't even sure of the year or the engine size. that always makes me feel like el faggo supremo, but at least it was a nice girl helping me and not one of those sweaty greasy butch mechanics. like i said, the bill was pretty high, but i've had this truck for ten years (i inherited it from my father) and have never had any brake work done. i just hope they didn't take advantage of the clueless little queer, cuz i didn't have any dateline nbc hidden cameras under the hood.

at least the kid who totalled up my bill was sweet...skinny as hell and covered with freckles from head to toe. (i assume)


i can't believe i posted that...


walked around the mall for an hour waiting for my diagnosis...went to the book store, looked at the cobain journals. wanna get it, it's digital scans of his actual notebooks, so much interesting stuff. feels very voyeuristic looking through it. 30 bucks though, will wait for the paperback...or check amazon, duh! and henry rollins has this new book out, sort of a personal history, lots of lyrics and TONS of pictures! there's a picture of him when he worked at a haagen-dazs ice cream shop in d.c.! oh god, that was funny! i don't care for his music much, i think he's a bit of a johnny-one-note, always covering the same ground. i've always thought of henry as a HUGE closet case, but he's denied it, "if i WAS gay i'd be proud of it, blah, blah, blah..." whatever, it's just a feeling i have. morrissey once said "i don't know about his music, but henry rollins looks very, very good." now, morrissey and stipe, i can see THAT, but henry and the mozzer, hoo boy, that's a funny image!

i did buy "barrell fever" by david sedaris, to replace the copy i sent to my friend doug a few years ago, and i bought the latest version of the dr. atkins book. (i'd like to lose_____lbs...shut up!) it was satisfying in a way that the guy behind the counter was HUGE. i felt like "brother, you can let yourself go if you want, but i intend on taking care of the situation before it gets out of hand!"

saw a couple of guys coming out of the credit union, and my gaydar went off so loud i'm surprised people didn't turn around...oh, sometimes i wish i was more obvious and other times it's the least important thing in the world to me...but i'm not gonna get into that now, i mean how much time do you HAVE?

then i went to mervyn's and bought some new sheets. dark blue bottom sheet, pale green top sheet and pillowcases. 270 thread count...yummm...i'm all about the high-thread count thang, y'all. well, i hope the cat likes 'em, cuz he's the only one who's probably gonna see 'em. (ok, no more self-pity tonight, i promise.)

oh, and at sears i saw a $6000 plasma-screen tv...ok, i GET it, amazing picture. wonder if they'll be a lot cheaper in a few years?


things getting hairy at work...four people laid off yesterday...two were only working a day or so a week...but carole is next on the list according to seniority, and she's been there almost 20 years. i'm safe, seeing as how i'm perched pretty much atop the totem pole. i'm actually gonna miss bo, smart-ass frat-boy that he is. but he's going to school, and i think his family is helping him. he DID send me a sound file of "the thing that only eats hippies" by the dead milkmen last night, so guess he wasn't crying in his beer too much.

yesterday morning at work, as we were doing our part to keep the fcc, um, i mean the ftc happy (scanning sale items with guns to verify prices and putting up sale signs) i was playing with carole...she was in the next aisle over and when a song came on, like "i'll be there" by the jackson 5, i'd say "hey carole?" "yeah?" "just call my name, i'll be there!". i did this with several songs, it's both easy and fun!

oh, and the other day when our (fairly) new manager came in on his day off, he had a SUB POP hat on! and he knows the white stripes and stuff like that...i guess he was kind of a 90's punk in his younger years...what am i saying, he's only 29 or so! he looks like a guy who plays golf. he resembles keefer sutherland a bit. he's not a bad guy...if he knew all the carnage he was gonna have to set in motion, he probably would have stayed down in sacramento. none of this shit going down is his fault, but people can't help but take out their frustration on him sometimes. me, i kiss his ass every chance i get, just in case.


i just went and changed some stuff on my profile...(IN my profile?) the words are from "new feeling" from talking heads:77...hmm, gotta add THAT to my wishlist, haven't heard that in years. changed the picture, too. i have several people that i'd like to add to my faves list, but it takes me so long to come up with a nice little blurb, though that's one of the mostest funnest things to do around here. i dunno, maybe i'll just list everybody and leave it at that...gotta think that one over a bit. and i STILL haven't added favorite authors, maybe a whole page in the diary would be better, like i did with my fave movies...

did anyone see south park last week? they're STILL pushing the envelope, as far as i'm concerned. last week featured a gerbil being inserted up someone's ass...nuff said.

and i hope you've all seen THIS already...

they say that little band-aid is the only thing holding his nose in place...and you probably saw him dangling the kid over the balcony railing...yikes! let's see what astronautm has to say:

"Ach! I think we are all a bit edgy these days.

Did anyone else see the footage of Michael Jackson and the baby?

I feel bad for him. I saw him live in Germany once and he was top-notch. He is clearly very ill.

His personality is crumbling just like his face.

Interesting comparison to be made between him and Donny Osmond. Donny Osmond was a very big star over here in his heyday. Obviously not in Jackson's league as regards talent. But he emerged as a decent man, with a dedicated fanbase and a loving family. He isn't a big star, but who would you rather be - Osmond or Jackson? "

good point, lad. hope that thing we talked about is going the way you want it to.


geez, NOBODY commented on my recent "site of the week", the thrift store art gallery thing...not even mohall, n.d's favorite son...*sniff*

ha, just you guys wait, tomorrow's gonna be CRAPTASTIC!

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