kstyle.diaryland.com Saturday, Dec. 14, 2002

a very wet saturday...
1:12 p.m.

yippee! i just got a new submission for the "d-land cribs" page...it's from hank in toledo, and he sent this message...


Here it is...my crib...please make a note that I am NOT responsible for painting that horrid wall!! Please!"

haha, point well taken, hank! so, please go take a look, everybody...and i'm still looking for more contributions, especially from you !

thanks again, hank!


anyone wanna move to the beautiful north coast? my friends have a beautiful old house ready to sell...click HERE for more info...


11:30 p.m.

here's somewhere fun i went tonight... you can go to the alanis morrisette lyric generator. you type in a few keywords, pick one of the titles and it writes a new alanis song for you...here's mine...


Birds, cats, days
Why God, Why?
Cats, nights, birdbaths
Why God, Why?

What have I done to deserve this blue horror?
Surrounded on all sides with the Hell of birdbaths
Like a rilke character, I'm wordy and alone
Why God, Why?

Clouds, birds, tears
Why God, Why?
Birdbaths, tears, days
Why God, Why?

What have I done to deserve this blue disaster that is my life?
Surrounded on all sides with the Hell of birdbaths
Like a rilke character, I'm wordy and alone
Why God, Why?

What have I done to deserve this blue misery?
Surrounded on all sides with the Hell of birdbaths
Like a rilke character, I'm wordy and alone
Why God, Why?

Why God, Why?
Why God, Why?
Why God, Why?
Why God, Why?

oh, god, that was so much fun, here's another one...(i think this one should go out to mel, with much love...)

"I Think"

I Think talkers are really a huge problem
I Think chatters are too much on my mind
I Think annoying people have got a lot to do with why the world sucks
But what can you do?

Like a black rain, beating down on me
Like a j-lo line, which won't let go of my brain
Like miss cleo's ass, it is in my head
Blame it on cellphones
Blame it on cellphones
Blame it on cellphones

I Think rude people are gonna drive us all crazy
And eminem ring tones make me feel like a child
I Think nokia robots will eventually be the downfall of civilization
But what can you do? I said what can you do?

Like a black rain, beating down on me
Like a j-lo line, which won't let go of my brain
Like miss cleo's ass, it is in my head
Blame it on cellphones
Blame it on cellphones
Blame it on cellphones

Like a black rain, beating down on me
Like miss cleo's smile, cruel and cold
Like j-lo's ass, it is in my head
Blame it on cellphones
Blame it on cellphones
Blame it on cellphones

J-LO'S ASS!!!! oh, that one was just pure luck!

ok, now it's bedtime...see ya tomorrow, kids...

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