kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, Dec. 24, 2002

2nd entry for today... what can i say?...i'm a giver!
8:29 p.m.

if you just landed here, be sure to go back and read the previous entry...it was a good one, but when they get too long i worry it's too much to read...

good and bad stuff today...

debbie from work stopped by a little while ago and dropped off a little prezzie...it's two bottles of olive oil, infused garlic oil and mediterranean dipping oil! oh, yum!

and the other night judi next door brought over a plate of fudge and various cookies...and tomorrow after work she'll drop off a nice prime rib christmas dinner...gotta keep the poor lonely bachelor from starving to death.

got 2 christmas cards in the mail, that was nice too.

the bad part of the day turned out to be this: NOW THE FUCKING PHONE DOESN'T WORK AT ALL!

maybe i missed something the guy up on the pole said...but i can't even get a dial tone! oh, i could go next door and call the repair line, but i think i'll wait until i get to work in the morning - yes, i'm working tomorrow, so if you need batteries for that toy that didn't come with any, or if you run out of film (or milk or butter or...god, it's FUNNY what people need christmas morning) come and see me, i'll be there to serve you.

judi's husband will looked at the truck the other night...it's like 5 or 10 buck worth of parts i need. he might be able to fix it this weekend. the wingnut that those big studs at sears couldn't remove came right off, and will said the lights run on a circuit and if the tail light goes out, then the blinker won't work. i still have to call sears with an evaluation of the service i received ( i get a 5 dollar coupon for my trouble.) and boy, am i gonna throw a hissy fit! well, i'm gonna tell them why i'm not happy at least.

so...no car, no phone. what if i needed to go somewhere, or call somebody? i had to email sheila a merry christmas, (that's how i found out the phone was dead.) and i really wanted to talk to her...it's been way too long.

so here i sit...my rice cooker just clicked off and i need to pick an oil to put in it. the excitement never ends. be back later for a little more yak-yak.


9:45 p.m.

mmmm, the mediterranean oil was really good, it has little bits of sun-dried toMAHtoes in it...

oh, here's two new googles..."days yor of lives", (some kind of eastern european soap opera i guess...) and "joan rivers' new haircut". now THERE'S someone with way too much time on their hands.

god, it's slow around here today...a few buddies have updated, but it's pretty quiet. geez, i sound pathetic tonight. but after the new year, things are gonna improve...i'm gonna go get one of those things....oh hell, what are they called? oh yeah, i remember..."A LIFE". i hear they can be a lot of fun.

hey, HANK has a hi-lar-i-ous entry tonight, go check it out.

here's something interesting...i found another open diary tonight. tell me this doesn't sound like fun...

"We all have some great work stories, especially if we work with customers. I created this diary as a forum for those of us who just can't keep the joy of work to ourselves."

click HERE for more info.. the site is called "nyyrth", and there's some pretty good stuff there. work stories? honey, i got a million of 'em!...i wonder what that name means. jill, who created it works for a company that is owned by my company, so we're almost family! i THINK we still own GNC...rob, do we? her diary is SOMBRENGEL. she already put me on her faves list! that's a nice christmas present!

i was all ready for some warm-and-fuzzy osbourne action tonight, but MTV was showing that kid rock in afghanistan thing from last year. he played here last year as a favor to a local promoter who started out working for mr. rock many years ago. there was this picture of him relaxing out in the country around here that someone posted on some local website...take a look, i think he's been sampling some of the local herbal delicacies that we're so famous for...

oh yeeeah, boiiii! the kid be stoned!

i can't think of anyone whose music interests me less. but the kids dig him. i'm sure he must have seen that pam and tommy video WAY before he even met her. that's so funny to think about...

wow, i have been one linkin' son of a bitch today.

nobody's chatting tonight, sure would like to hear how my little buddy's doin'...hope he's not pissed at me for posting that chat excerpt.

ok, i'm gonna go shave the fuzz off my face so i look all pretty for the frantic customers tomorrow..hope you all spent way too much money on presents at your local retail establishments, cuz remember, that's the TRUE reason for the season. now let's get this year over with!

much love to all my d-land friends...you guys are the best! talk to ya real soon...michael

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