kstyle.diaryland.com Saturday, Feb. 08, 2003

''short'' entry
10:14 p.m.

long day at work today, and of course, back at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow, so this will be short...

finished the michael jackson thing tonight, hmmm. you can be sure i'll throw my two cents into the ring. but later. i think i'm gonna watch it again, and take notes...i'm serious. his 12-year-old boy friend is totally hot and dreamy, though...god, they were SO cute holding hands, and when he rested his head on michael's shoulder...*sigh*.

i'm kidding...it was very creepy, and his level of delusion is off the scale...all i'll say right now is i think that michael thought this whole thing was gonna somehow show the world what a good, normal, and loving person he is, not realizing that alll he's done is dig his own grave. the show started out innocent enough, but as it went on it got darker and more disturbing.

but yeah, more on that later.


worked several hours tweeking my layout over the last few days...i'll probably list all the stuff i did later...oh, i know it's showing off, but i'm proud of some of the stuff i figured out for myself. so if you see an entry titled "tech talk", prepared to be bored.



"shitty pages"

"reel around the fountain fun people"

"popping the cherry pics"

"in my pants"

"niece's pussy" (that one...oh, it reminds me of something i heard this last week...SOMEONE out there knows what i'm talking about...)

"madonna i like my pussy"


i left a vaguely rude note in a stranger's diary tonight...i'm expecting an answer soon...either a dialog will be established or it'll turn into some kind of pissing match. (i just don't think it's SOOOO important where your fucking clothes come from...)

oh my god, alan cumming has a show on the oxygen channel...right now he's driving around l.a. in an SUV interviewing halle berry. looks like it might be an interesting, off-the-wall show. and HBO has two new shows coming soon...a new bill maher thing, and an ali g. show...he's that guy who was madonna's driver in the "music" video. i guess he's a big deal in england.

i stood in line behind the most beautiful neck yesterday, i wanted to kiss it.

i just did a search to see if i was was spelling "halle" correctly and i found THIS...it's "hallewood"! oh god, it's a little cartoon halle berry, with cutesie little links! it's nothing, however, compared to melanie griffith's site, AVALON...you've gotta see it! click on the little doors to be whisked away to mel's secret worlds! she doesn't have a chat room, she has a "chitchat" room... gadfly turned me on to it...he's got a great entry on jacko HERE...god, i wish I'D thought of posting a pic of that jeff koons sculpture of michael and bubbles...fucker!

NOW on oxygen there's some elderly lady hosting a call-in sex show (she looks like the church lady!), and an 82-year-old woman just revealed that her husband's 12-inch penis still gives her orgasms...well...DUH!

on that note, i think it's time to get to bed...sweet dreams and nitey-nite...

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