kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Feb. 06, 2003

michael jackson, the OTHER white meat...
10:16 p.m.

yum yum...i taped the michael jackson thing tonight, gonna go watch it soon. should be quite the horrific spectacle, i'm sure.

bet i know what jon stewart will be talking about tonight. and jay. and dave. and conan. and craig.

i'm not sure if i have a tape of mj being interviewed by carson daly on mtv right after "invisible" er, i mean "invinceable" came out or not...that was the first time i ever saw jacko and really thought he was out of it. he was all sluggish and kind on mush-mouthed...it was so odd. does anyone recall seeing that?

i really don't understand diaries that don't have a prev/next dealie...it's so annoying.

i was shocked yesterday when i walked by this liquor store on harris st. and saw that they were still open. i could have sworn i went by there recently and they were closed and totally emptied out. i guess it was one of those very realistic dreams...

i fiddled around with my page last night, do you like it? i LOVE that silvery-blue.

oh, and please click on the "my artwork" link, it's all connected now. i had the link going to where i can add stuff to the album there, and that was the wrong link. so i had to send an invitation to myself and copy THAT link, the same thing i had to do to get my wishlist link to work. the artwork is at photogra, it's free and you get unlimited space...(roadiepig turned me on to that place). some of the pieces you may have seen before, but some are from my gallery at the artconspiracy site, which won't let me "leech" images from them. and some are from my page at aol hometown, which you can't access half the time anyway. and there's a few new things there too. (if you see anything you wanna steal and take home, be my guest!) so i think i'm gonna put my stuff at photogra from now on. plus, they have a bunch of public albums, so you can go peek at strangers' photo albums! it's fun...

ok, think i'll go see what the king of weird has to say...later, michael

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