kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Feb. 20, 2003

12:53 a.m.

i got 7 nice notes in my guestbook about yesterday's entry...thanks folks, it's deeply appreciated...

for a little story about how some STRAIGHT BOYS got gay-bashed right here in my little 'ol town, go HERE.


ok, let's lighten the mood, shall we?

my new name for the cat is "sweet-pie".

if you're over 18, go HERE. turn the sound on and move the cursor around on the picture...

go HERE and click on "trick your own mini" to...well, trick your own mini!

today i :

went to the park
just for a lark
there was nobody there
(do you like my hair?)

then i :

went to the club
i felt like a schlub
there was nobody there
life isn't fair!

wanna go create your own "weemee"? go HERE. (you can get all kinds of cool backgrounds by clicking on "fun stuff", and then on "e-cards").

and fer cryin' out loud, be sure to pay a visit to THE BUTTON MUSEUM !

it's 3:00 a.m. now...gotta grab the cat and hit my tree...(that's rob's navy-talk for "go to bed").

and did i tell you that my pussy was all wet tonight? i have a special green towel just for drying off my wet pussy....


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