kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2003

just a bunch of random shit
10:51 p.m.


gee, people are SO nice on the internet...i got this sweet letter in my email today...

Hi my name is Jenny. I came across your email when I was searching profiles on the internet. I am new to the area and am looking for someone to show me around town. If you're interested in learning more about me and maybe hanging out sometime, just email me back or visit my website and we can talk or chat over instant messenger. If I don't here from you, I will assume you're not interested.

Hope to hear from you soon!

- Jenny

this nice lady had some nice pictures on her nice website...here's one...

gosh, it must be real warm wherever she is. hey! but she said she was new in town...it wasn't THAT warm today...hmmm. oh well, here's another pic...i made it bigger cuz she sure is a purty gal!

aww, poor thing, it looks like she's got a toothache! well, i kept clicking on the pictures and pretty soon jenny wanted to know how old i am, and i thought, well, i'd better skeedaddle, cuz i don't want her to think i'm some dirty old man. i hope she makes a lot of friends, though...and i'm sure she will, cuz she sure is one friendly lady!


whenever i'm alone in the office at the end of my day counting out my drawer, i turn the brightness on the computer monitor down a notch...now, i checked, and it takes 40 clicks for the screen to go to total black. oh, i know i won't get that far, but it'll be funny if people start commenting on how it seems to be getting dimmer. work should be FUN!


"pictures of black people doing someone's hair"

"j-lo's black ass"

well, it IS black history month...oh, and i constantly get the same old stuff...people looking for nude pics of madonna, debbie harry, katrin cartlige...the henry rollins "gay" stuff...oh, and this was a weird one...

"progresso soup commercial".

but almost every day i get a google for this magritte painting -

ooops! freudian slip, haha! that's funny, i think i'll leave that little blooper in here...THIS is the magritte -

really, i've gotten that a couple dozen times...it gives me a great idea for a diary template - "this is not a diary".


recently sighted on a car in the parking lot at work:

"it's only kinky the first time!"


first runner-up: MIKE METRO

and our new winner: ODA FLEEK!


(from the s.f. chronicle...this is for gadfly) -

Courtney Love, who was arrested for being disruptive on a Virgin Airlines flight to England a few weeks ago, has explained everything. She was flying with a "therapist guy" minder, she told the New York Daily News. "He travels with f-- up rock stars to make sure they don't take drugs," said Love. "He's like a policeman who sees to it that certain people can't get to me."

Love said she got angry when flight attendants refused to allow him permission to join her in first class. She needs to have him with her on trips, she said, because she's constantly on the move and "I can't always make meetings." She didn't address the issue of why he was traveling in coach or whether she could have joined him back there.

Love said she's halfway through a two-month program to get off Xanax. "Every woman in America is on Xanax," Love told the newspaper. "You can go to a taco stand in L.A. and get it. It's the No. 2 drug in America, and it's completely addictive." She also reported that she's been off Vicodin for 50 days.

P.S. The Mirror of London says Jennifer Lopez, who arrived in Germany on Friday, brought an entourage of 20 handlers, stylists and coaches, including one eyebrow specialist and an eyebrow assistant. (There's still room next time for an eyebrow nutritionist and -- mistakes do happen -- an eyebrow grief therapist.)

oh god, i hope poor ben whofleck knows what he's getting into...


and now for something REALLY annoying: move your cursor over my little self-portrait up at the top of this page...just a little something i picked up at lissa explains it all...

ok, i guess that's it for tonight...this was a rather silly entry...see ya tomorrow - m

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