kstyle.diaryland.com Saturday, Mar. 01, 2003

12:48 a.m.

tonight i made noodles with bok choy and celery. i stir-fried the veggies in sundried tomato olive oil, added them to the noodles with the oil that was still in the frypan. a little butter, some chili flakes, and TA-DA! another improvised masterpiece...

i think this was the first bok choy i've ever cooked, it's a bit peppery...and it's yummy even raw. maybe i can grow some of it this year, i need to figure out what to put in the garden...it can't ALL be various zucchini, that's too easy!


i saw FISCHERSPOONER on carson daly the other night...god, they were so awful, it looked like a new-wave era high school talent show...this blond guy running around singing, and all these girl dancers behind him, and some plus-size backup singers in kinda bondage/hooker drag, no musicians...and at the end they had some pyro in back of them going off, it looked just like the stuff in that video of great white on the news!...there's been so much hype about this band, but i dunno, it was very lame...that's a link to their site up there, but it's a bit out of date, as far as news goes. weird.

well, another short entry (for me!) have to get up early...

oh, and go check out gr8test-hits, i ran some banners this week, and there's several new and cool entries...

one more thing...please go read calico7's entry about something VERY strange that happened to her...it's as strange if not stranger than my recent story about finding the blood-splattered grocery bags in the back of my truck! in case you missed THAT little tale, it's HERE.

ok, goodnight, you sweet thangs - m

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